Fails to login in sddm (password not working)

when i boot my computer it does no longer send me into Grub where i can select what too boot,

instead it sends me directly to manjaro boot, where am met with just a black screen. however i noticed ctrl alt f4 lets me use tty still where i can login as root, but i can not login as my main user account which is called “femscout”

i can press esc while booting too see the boot log and it stops when it reaches

[ OK. ] CUPS Scheduler.

update, managed to fix not being able too boot into ssdm / grub,

however it says my password is wrong and when i boot it starts with saying 10 min locked,

and when using tty it says it’s the wrong password i tried passwd femscout and did not work after a password change,

also i dual boot my pc and i no longer see windows boot from the grub menu,

update, managed to fix grub by running

sudo pacman -s grub
and it managed to fix so it now can detect my windows,

now am only stuck and not being able to login at all,

it says that because whatever you try - that is the normal response once the account is locked due to a wrong password
it’s locked for 10 minutes by default - and it should tell you that when you try to login before that time has elapsed

now the question is:
why would this be? →

when, at that time, you did not even try to log in three times to get it locked

I don’t know the answer.

journalctl -r
lists the log in reverse, newest first - look for the phrase login

pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [femscout]

pam_unix(sudo:auth): conversation failed

sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use -S option to read from standard input or configure an askpass helper

… something with pam configuration - but how and what? I don’t know.
googling for the messages you posted finds things … no idea what to make of it though
and no idea how this could have gotten messed up in the first place

based on what is in the other huge long thread:

you should still fix your /etc/sudoers file - replace what you now have with the default one

→ like this (quoted from the other thread)
just two commands - and your current file will even be preserved:

first command moves / renames the current file to sudoers.backup
second command reinstalls sudo, putting the default /etc/sudoers file in it’s place


Did not seem too work, however

faillock i mamanaged to temporarily login,
and sudo workks, but after a reboot it breaks again with password not working

alao running faillock has a low chance of working

faillock can only display and modify authentication failure records.

That is you can see who is locked out, or remove accounts from being locked out, due to failing to enter the password correctly.

Does ‘has a low chance of working’ maybe relate to … only being able to remove the failure locks? Or do you mean that it sometimes fails to report or remove the failure locks?

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some times it fails to reomove the locks, but sometimes it works, but it’s a temporary fix atm, and everything else works just the login issue.

for example

if my password waa : “1234”
and then i type “1234” it says wrong password
i tried changing password but no luck

and faillock makes so i can logon 1 time
on either tty or login screen,

Ambiguous message - I think you mean:
procedure didn’t solve your issue with the password being rejected for 10 minutes without even having tried it once.

I know for a fact that the described procedure does give you the original default /etc/sudoers file back.
How do I know?
I did that to my system and verified that it does what is described.

You’d likely be better off to save what valuable data is in your /home/femscout directory and reinstall.
Communication and proper feedback does seems too tedious to me.


Also @Femscout, please have a look here:


well i managed to get as far as being able to boot into grub and ssdm, but only problem with not being able to log in most of the times.

i feel like we made alot of proggress
and when using faillock reset i could temp login normally,

Yesterday - and again just now - I did test how my system behaves when I enter a wrong password three times.
As expected, the account is locked for 10 minutes.
Trying to log in within these 10 minutes results in:

“The account is locked due to 3 failed logins”

and even the correct password results in:

“Login incorrect”

The faillock cannot be removed with
faillock -r
because the /var/log/faillog is not ever being written to - the file doesn’t exist.
(it does exist on my Mint system though - so that doesn’t seem right)

A very elusive issue due to whatever wrong configuration of pam
… some file in /etc/pam.d/ - or even all of them - are possible candidates
in my opinion.

I’m not prepared to debug this.


There are a couple of solutions to this problem - so that we can close the thread.

  1. Most users - even many of the more proficient users here - are aware of Snapshots, which were made famous by Linux Mint (a distribution for beginners, who shouldn’t migrate from Linux Mint if they do not yet know how to create and restore snapshots).
    Essential System Tools: Timeshift - Reliable system restore tool for Linux - LinuxLinks

  2. All users of just about every available electronic device are aware of backup strategies.
    Back in Time - simple backup tool - LinuxLinks

It takes only 5 minutes to do a clean installation, and then another 15 minutes to restore files - and assuming that you have a backup of home, you’ll likely have most of your configuration files available to help expediate the process.

I would also advise making use of software which can enhance your ability to use the keyboard and type accurately.

I remember spending a half hour every day for around one week, after which I was able to touch-type whilst looking at the screen (also able to correct errors without looking down at the keyboard).

Finally, when using the forum, it is wise to actually read some of the documentation involved when making posts:

:loudspeaker: Legibility Tip

When posting terminal output or code, copy the output and paste it here, wrapped in three (3) backticks, before AND after the pasted text. Like this:

pasted text

Or three (3) tilde signs, like this:

pasted text

Alternatively, select all pasted text, and click the <kbd></></kbd> button on the edit icons - which will indent the whole pasted section with one TAB, causing it to render the same way as described above.

These are essential skills for computer users.


Hi @Femscout ,
I wonder whether you have tried to install lightdm, which is the default xfce session manager.
I think you tried to change your password using the tty, after prressing Ctrl+F4.
passwd femscout

In your post you wrote that this last command failed as root.

Could you try to remove sddm and install lightdm, in order to verify that the problem is not in the sudo package?


hello, what i meant is that the passwd femscout works as it should, and changes password but when entering the password it still says it’s the wrong password however running faillock seems to make so i can type the password and sometimes be able to login, so it changes the password correctly,

i did not have lightDM installed but i have installed it now,
by using “sudo pacman”

Your problem is with this:

very unlikely with the display manager

You can have both sddm and lightdm installed - but need to make sure that only one of them is active.

systemctl status sddm.service
systemctl status lightdm.service
will tell you.

Only one can be enabled at any one time!
@j8a is surely aware of this

What you can do is try to isolate the problem some more by disabling the display manager.
It will not try to start then and you only get a TTY to log into.

You can then start a desktop session with:

don’t do this as root!

I don’t know how to start a wayland session this way.

You can also start the display manager this way:
systemctl start sddm.service
and look at the error messages when it fails to do so

… and the system logs as well of course …

that seems to work somewhat,

i tried disable the sddm.service and keeping the lightDM.

however still gave me the issues with it not letting me login using my password, however i tried using faillock and reset and then i could login into the TTY4 and then the “startx” command

also i use x11 and can’t use wayland either way so not need to worry about that

What I was trying to suggest was:
disable the display manager
so the system won’t even try to start it
then reboot

to take any issues with the display manager configuration out of the equation

From your description now it looks like you have both sddm and lightdm active/enabled.
That will never work.

i disabled both sddm and lightdm, and it does not let me login in tty.