Failed to Synchronize Databases after update to Plasma 6

I keep getting a failed to synchronize databases after the Plasma 6 update on a couple machines. When I do the konsole update I get

hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint:   git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint:   git branch -m <name>"

How do I solve this?

Please paste the entire output including the command you ran. What you pasted there is completely unrelated to updating.

Not quite. Please see the following and edit your post accordingly. [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

1 Like

This is from git and not from pamac or pacman !


You have installed something from the AUR

In both cases, you cut out the wrong parts.
With this snippet nobody can help :person_shrugging:


I open Add/Remove Software (Pamac) and get the Failed to Synchronize Data Bases.
I do the Konsole and put in sudo pamac update --force-refresh and it will update, but gives me that message in another color.
Open Add/Remove Software (Pamac) and it comes back with the Failed message.
Yes I have some AUR programs, might be that is what is failing in Pamac, but was working fine before the Plasma update. It works ok on other machines, fails on others.
I turned off the AUR/Flatpack in Pamac and it still fails to Synchronize Databases.

Sorry, please try again. You’re continuing to paraphrase instead of actually posting information that will help us help you.

Please see:

Never run pamac with sudo, it will prompt for privilege elevation when required. There is normally never a reason to force a refresh and will cause more problems than it solves.

OK, Thank You. I got that from reading the forum. Will stop.

OK, let me try again. I open add/remove software (pamac GUI) and it comes back Failed to Synchronize databases. Won’t let me update.
So I open konsole and type is pamac update and get

pamac update                                                                        ✔ 
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
Synchronizing package databases...
Running post-transaction hooks...                                                                  
Failed to synchronize AUR database                                                                 
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.

Then I tried:

pamac update                                                                        ✔ 
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
Synchronizing package databases...
Running post-transaction hooks...                                                                  
Failed to synchronize AUR database                                                                 
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.

Then I tried:

pamac upgrade -a                                                          1 ✘  18s  
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
Synchronizing package databases...
Failed to synchronize AUR database                                                                 
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted
Checking dropbox dependencies...
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To build (1):
  dropbox  199.4.6287-1  (197.4.7571-1)  AUR

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] y

Cloning dropbox build files...
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint:   git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint:   git branch -m <name>
Generating dropbox information...
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: XXXXXX
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/local': Permission denied
cp: preserving times for '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Operation not permitted
chmod: changing permissions of '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Operation not permitted

Building dropbox...
==> Making package: dropbox 199.4.6287-1 (Mon 27 May 2024 09:31:49 PM CDT)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Found DropboxGlyph_Blue.svg
  -> Found terms.txt
  -> Found dropbox.service
  -> Found dropbox@.service
  -> Downloading dropbox-lnx.x86_64-199.4.6287.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  111M  100  111M    0     0  19.4M      0  0:00:05  0:00:05 --:--:-- 20.1M
  -> Downloading dropbox-lnx.x86_64-199.4.6287.tar.gz.asc...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   488  100   488    0     0   5697      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  5741
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    DropboxGlyph_Blue.svg ... Passed
    terms.txt ... Passed
    dropbox.service ... Passed
    dropbox@.service ... Passed
==> Validating source_x86_64 files with sha256sums...
    dropbox-lnx.x86_64-199.4.6287.tar.gz ... Passed
    dropbox-lnx.x86_64-199.4.6287.tar.gz.asc ... Skipped
==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg...
    dropbox-lnx.x86_64-199.4.6287.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting dropbox-lnx.x86_64-199.4.6287.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting prepare()...
[dropbox]                         Generating desktop file... ok
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
==> Tidying install...
  -> Removing libtool files...
  -> Purging unwanted files...
  -> Removing static library files...
  -> Compressing man and info pages...
==> Checking for packaging issues...
==> Creating package "dropbox"...
  -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
  -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
  -> Generating .MTREE file...
  -> Compressing package...
==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
==> Finished making: dropbox 199.4.6287-1 (Mon 27 May 2024 09:31:58 PM CDT)
==> Cleaning up...

Checking keyring...                                                                           [1/1]
Checking integrity...                                                                         [1/1]
Loading packages files...                                                                     [1/1]
Checking file conflicts...                                                                    [1/1]
Checking available disk space...                                                              [1/1]
==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
Upgrading dropbox (197.4.7571-1 -> 199.4.6287-1)...                                           [1/1]
Running post-transaction hooks...
Reloading system manager configuration...                                                     [1/5]
Reloading user manager configuration...                                                       [2/5]
Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...                                                                [3/5]
Refreshing PackageKit...                                                                      [4/5]
Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...                                                  [5/5]
Transaction successfully finished.

So I finally got it to update successfully
I hope that gives more information, but the GUI Pamac won’t work.

Remove the /var/tmp/pamac/ and /var/tmp/pamac-build* directories and never run pamac with sudo as noted by Yochanan.


Thank You, That did it.

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