Exrtremely Slow Update (flatpak) download

I don’t know the cause, but in this morning the download of upgrade, expecially from flapak, seem extremely slow.
Under 100KB\s. Even 50-40. And downlowd only more than 300 MB of nvidia driver it’s a problem.
It’s only a my problem or the server don’t working fine?
My internet connection is perfect. I’ve did a test on ookla and seem ok.
I write from italy if this can help. Maybe it’s a problem for the bad weather, but i don’t believe it’s only mine.
Thanks for any help.

No issue here: https://status.flathub.org/ Updates are delivered through a CDN. There are probably problems, especially in your location?

So why my internet connection work fine, but the update Manjaro let me download at 50kb\s?
Problem with the distro?
Or maybe it’s just due to the problem in my location…

Maybe try to switch the mirror:

sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack
sudo pacman -Syyuu

Pacman working fine. the best mirror is in my country
I’ve noted that only flatpak download slowly

That might simply be a routing issues from your ISP to the CDN.

You can only have patience or restart the update (or maybe reboot your router?).

Yeah but then you said:

So you were implying that it was a Manjaro update?

The slow download there is in both update method.
If i update from manjaro software manager
Or if i update from flatpak upgrade/update

In any moment and method that update flatpak packages the download is very slow

The previous updates of manjaro distro gone ok

I hope was clear

Anyway thank you very much for your help
I hope even this is a momentary prblem

I updated today and noticed it seemed a lot slower than usual.Maybe a glitch in the server or sun spots aliens I don’t know but internet is working as usual so we’ll see if it keeps happening or was just everyone on the internet trying to be online knowing I was updating and trying to make my day miserable.

luckily the flatpaks are back to downloading normally :grin:

Flatpak downloading slow for me. I have tried it on Fedora, KDE Neon and now Manjaro. Slow on all three. I don’t know how to tell Flatpak to use the fastest mirror possible. Can anyone help in this regard?

While apps from flathub can be installed using pamac - the locations is not the same as Manjaro repo.

In other words - Manjaro’s mirror network has nothing to do with flathub.org

No - sorry.