[Error] snapd: A failure ocurred in build()

I was trying to install neovim from snapd. following this tutorial:


commands used:

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/snapd.git
$ cd snapd
$ makepkg -si

==> Starting build()...
*** Setting version to '2.50-1' from user.
# pkg-config --cflags  -- libseccomp libseccomp
pkg-config: exec: "pkg-config": executable file not found in $PATH
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

There weren’t any errors in the previous steps. The last part is the error message I get. how could it be solved? Thanks in advance.

neovim is in the regular Community repository. :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -S neovim

Did you install what is neede dto build AUR packages?

sudo pacman -Syu base-devel --needed

As @Aragorn mentioned, neovim is in the repositories, so the easiest way would be installing it from there.

If you definitely want to install it as a snap package then you’ll have to deal with this issue

probably caused because you don’t have the package pkgconf (part of the base-devel group) installed.

You can eather install it separately

sudo pacman -Syu pkgconf

or install all packages from the base-devel group that are needed in your system (including pkgconf)

sudo pacman -Syu base-devel --needed

and then retry to install neovim as a snap package.

For more information about AUR and the base-devel group, see here:


Am I missing something? Why are you building SnapD? Can’t you install Snaps from Pamac?

//EDIT: Just in case…

  • install pamac-snap-plugin
  • enable Snap support in Pamac Preferences
  • search neovim in Pamac
  • install neovim from Pamac as a Snap


  • search neovim in Pamac
  • install neovim from Manjaro Repository

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