Error "nvidia-utils breaks dependency"

Hi everyone.
Today, when i started the manjaro’s update, i saw this error :

installation of nvidia-utils (550.54.14-3) breaks the "nvidia-utils=545.29.06" dependency required by linux65-nvidia

The error prevents my system update.
How can i resolve that ?

Thanks for your help !

Kernel 6.5 and everything connected like linux-nvidia is EOL. Use a LTS kernel, like 6.6. and linux66-nvidia.

It’s really strange because i already use the linux 6.6 kernel.
This is the feedback of : " uname -r "


However thanks for your quick answer.

Doesn’t matter if you still have EOL stuff installed.

This has to be replaced with 66 too.

Thank you very much for your help.
The problem occurred because I had kept the linux 6.5 stuff. I removed it and know everything is working fine!

Thanks again. :smiley:

This is why we shouldn’t keep kernels installed after they are end of life.


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