Error installing mblock

Good morning. I’m just getting started with arduino. For this, a friend recommends mblock. Miracle: It exists in AUR repositories.
But when we want to install it I get this:

make  all-recursive
make[1] : on entre dans le répertoire « /var/tmp/pamac-build-thierry/gconf/src/gconf »
Making all in gconf
make[2] : on entre dans le répertoire « /var/tmp/pamac-build-thierry/gconf/src/gconf/gconf »
gconfmarshal.list --header --prefix=gconf_marshal > gconfmarshal.h
echo "#include \"gconfmarshal.h\"" > gconfmarshal.c && \
 gconfmarshal.list --body --prefix=gconf_marshal >> gconfmarshal.c
/bin/sh: ligne 1: gconfmarshal.list : commande introuvable
make[2]: *** [Makefile:1264: gconfmarshal.h] Error 127

Help me please…

This PKGBUILD was last updated almost 6 years ago - which is likely the reason why it doesn’t work without some … work.

There is a (recommended) web version - two, actually
and also .deb and .rpm versions on their website
which can probably be used relatively easily (create a PKGBUILD using those)

You could just use the Arduino IDE.

Merci @Nachlese C’est le moment de m’initier aussi à ça. Je vais y travailler.

The problem you have is with gconf a legacy program which has been reported to fail to build recently

The mblock pkgbuild is actually repackaging a binary so it don’t have issues per se (it is however a disguised -bin pkgbuild since it is open source)

The deb/rpm packages on the website are a different program called mlink

You could use the web version or there is arduino-ide in the repo