Error: file `/boot/initramfs.img’ not found

Hi there
I have been trying to learn how to do things myself for a long while now and have finaly got stuck and while I would like to keep learning until I fix it, my laptop has now been out of action for almost 3 week’s and im now in the position where I just need to have a working laptop again.
I have an issue where I accedently shut down the laptop after starting, installing programs and an update.
When booting after entering my passphrase I get the following

error: file `/boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img’ not found
Press any key to continue…

When checking both initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img and initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img are present amoung other’s.
When this show’s, pressing any keys do nothing and a power cycle is needed.
I have tried several things and I may be forgetting some things.

decrypt the partition with dolphin and mount(I know I could use cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 encryp but I find it easy and quick with dolphin)

mount /dev/dm-1 /mnt
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
mount --bind /run  /mnt/run
pacman -Sy
pacman -S arch-install-scripts
arch-chroot /mnt
rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
pacman -S linux
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

and also

pacman-mirrors -f 5 && pacman -Syyu
mkinitcpio -P
mhwd-kernel -i linux510

I have looked at so many forum pages I have lost track of what information I got from where.

If you can help me fix it, that would be greatly appreacted, but if you can also point to reading matiral for later that would be much appreacted.

Are you sure that your flow is yielding the correct and expected results?

Did you check?

It’s not obvious from your post - you posted the commands, but not the response you got.

There is the manjaro-chroot command
You can get it by installing:

… every step along the way to chroot you could check the effect in a terminal with:

lsblk -f

and observe the changing response

for manjaro-chroot and an encrypted system the command would be like this:

manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

(to give you a bash shell instead of sh)

I don’t know what is meant by that so probably not.

Thanks for the tips

[manjaro manjaro]# lsblk -f
NAME        FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL           UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0       squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1       squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2       squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3       squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1      exfat       1.0              Ventoy          151E-0EA3
│ └─ventoy  iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_KDE_220 2022-12-24-05-28-59-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2      vfat        FAT16            VTOYEFI         301E-EA1C
├─nvme0n1p1 swap        1                                a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985
├─nvme0n1p2 vfat        FAT32                            CDB4-120E
├─nvme0n1p3 crypto_LUKS 1                                52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda
└─nvme0n1p4 crypto_LUKS 1                                facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d
[manjaro manjaro]# lsblk -f
NAME                                          FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL           UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1                                        exfat       1.0              Ventoy          151E-0EA3
│ └─ventoy                                    iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_KDE_220 2022-12-24-05-28-59-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2                                        vfat        FAT16            VTOYEFI         301E-EA1C
├─nvme0n1p1                                   swap        1                                a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985
├─nvme0n1p2                                   vfat        FAT32                            CDB4-120E
├─nvme0n1p3                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda
│ └─luks-52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda ext4        1.0                              8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99   49.4G    32% /run/media/manjaro/8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99
└─nvme0n1p4                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d
[manjaro manjaro]# mount /dev/dm-1 /mnt
[manjaro manjaro]# lsblk -f
NAME                                          FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL           UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1                                        exfat       1.0              Ventoy          151E-0EA3
│ └─ventoy                                    iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_KDE_220 2022-12-24-05-28-59-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2                                        vfat        FAT16            VTOYEFI         301E-EA1C
├─nvme0n1p1                                   swap        1                                a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985
├─nvme0n1p2                                   vfat        FAT32                            CDB4-120E
├─nvme0n1p3                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda
│ └─luks-52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda ext4        1.0                              8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99   49.4G    32% /mnt
│                                                                                                                                              /run/media/manjaro/8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99
└─nvme0n1p4                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d
[manjaro manjaro]# mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot
[manjaro manjaro]# lsblk -f
NAME                                          FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL           UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1                                        exfat       1.0              Ventoy          151E-0EA3
│ └─ventoy                                    iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_KDE_220 2022-12-24-05-28-59-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2                                        vfat        FAT16            VTOYEFI         301E-EA1C
├─nvme0n1p1                                   swap        1                                a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985
├─nvme0n1p2                                   vfat        FAT32                            CDB4-120E                             807.6M    21% /mnt/boot
├─nvme0n1p3                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda
│ └─luks-52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda ext4        1.0                              8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99   49.4G    32% /mnt
│                                                                                                                                              /run/media/manjaro/8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99
└─nvme0n1p4                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d
[manjaro manjaro]# mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
[manjaro manjaro]# lsblk -f
NAME                                          FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL           UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1                                        exfat       1.0              Ventoy          151E-0EA3
│ └─ventoy                                    iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_KDE_220 2022-12-24-05-28-59-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2                                        vfat        FAT16            VTOYEFI         301E-EA1C
├─nvme0n1p1                                   swap        1                                a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985
├─nvme0n1p2                                   vfat        FAT32                            CDB4-120E                             807.6M    21% /mnt/boot/efi
│                                                                                                                                              /mnt/boot
├─nvme0n1p3                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda
│ └─luks-52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda ext4        1.0                              8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99   49.4G    32% /mnt
│                                                                                                                                              /run/media/manjaro/8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99
└─nvme0n1p4                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d
[manjaro manjaro]# mount --bind /run /mnt/run
[manjaro manjaro]# lsblk -f
NAME                                          FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL           UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3                                         squashfs    4.0                                                                         0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1                                        exfat       1.0              Ventoy          151E-0EA3
│ └─ventoy                                    iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_KDE_220 2022-12-24-05-28-59-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2                                        vfat        FAT16            VTOYEFI         301E-EA1C
├─nvme0n1p1                                   swap        1                                a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985
├─nvme0n1p2                                   vfat        FAT32                            CDB4-120E                             807.6M    21% /mnt/boot/efi
│                                                                                                                                              /mnt/boot
├─nvme0n1p3                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda
│ └─luks-52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda ext4        1.0                              8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99   49.4G    32% /mnt
│                                                                                                                                              /run/media/manjaro/8f21f442-3953-409f-8d77-b74d3630bc99
└─nvme0n1p4                                   crypto_LUKS 1                                facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d
[manjaro manjaro]# manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux
warning: linux510-5.10.164-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) linux510-5.10.164-1

Total Installed Size:  80.10 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                                                                                                [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                                                                                              [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                                                                                                   [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                                                                                             [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space                                                                                                           [#######################################################################################] 100%
:: Running pre-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Creating Timeshift snapshot before upgrade...
==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) reinstalling linux510                                                                                                                   [#######################################################################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/5) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/5) Updating module dependencies...
(3/5) Updating linux initcpios...
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 5.10.164-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 5.10.164-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
(4/5) Refreshing PackageKit...
Error connecting: Could not connect: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly
(5/5) Updating Grub-Bootmenu
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Its output will be used to detect bootable binaries on them and create new boot entries.
ERROR: mkdir /var/lock/dmraid
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Root filesystem isn't btrfs
If you think an error has occurred, please file a bug report at ""
[manjaro /]# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Its output will be used to detect bootable binaries on them and create new boot entries.
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Root filesystem isn't btrfs
If you think an error has occurred, please file a bug report at ""
[manjaro /]# pacman-mirrors -f 5 && pacman -Syyu
::INFO Downloading mirrors from Manjaro
::INFO => Mirror pool:
::INFO => Mirror status:
::INFO Using default mirror file
::INFO Querying mirrors - This may take some time
  ..... Bulgaria       :
  3.692 Poland         :
  ..... China          :
  ..... Russia         :
  3.279 United_States  :
::INFO Writing mirror list
::United_States   :
::Poland          :
::Bulgaria        :
::Russia          :
::China           :
::INFO Mirror list generated and saved to: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                                                                                                             161.7 KiB   180 KiB/s 00:01 [#######################################################################################] 100%
 extra                                                                                                           1857.5 KiB  2019 KiB/s 00:01 [#######################################################################################] 100%
 community                                                                                                          7.5 MiB  1093 KiB/s 00:07 [#######################################################################################] 100%
 multilib                                                                                                         169.6 KiB   361 KiB/s 00:00 [#######################################################################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
[manjaro /]# mkinitcpio -P
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 5.10.164-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 5.10.164-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux60.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 6.0.19-3-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux60.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 6.0.19-3-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux61.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 6.1.7-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux61.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 6.1.7-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
[manjaro /]# update-grub
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Its output will be used to detect bootable binaries on them and create new boot entries.
lsblk: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv: not a block device
lsblk: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv: not a block device
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Root filesystem isn't btrfs
If you think an error has occurred, please file a bug report at ""

from chroot reinstall the broken kernel, in this case the 6.1 … but just to be sure reinstall also the 6.0 and use it with overwrite:
pacman -S linux61 linux60 --overwrite '*'
if there were no errors, exit chroot, reboot …

I meant this:

You have two luks encrypted partitions.

In your first post you only mentioned one:

I’d advise to not use the file manager to decrypt and mount - you’ll be using the terminal anyway, so you can do the first two steps in the terminal as well.

Don’t work as root right from the start - use sudo like in the examples below.
You will be root inside the chroot automatically.
It’s also easier to visually confirm that the chroot was successful - color and prompt changes.

I’d say that the correct procedure is like this:

install manjaro-tools-base
(just because I have used manjaro-chroot and know how it behaves - I don’t know the same about arch-chroot
it probably is the same - but I just don’t know)

Of course you don’t need that if you use a Manjaro live system - then this tool is already present.

Your encrypted system is on /dev/nvme0n1p3
(except, perhaps, for the EFI partition, which seems to be on /dev/nvme0n1p2 -
I don’t know - it’s just my assumption here)

  • first open the encrypted container:

sudo cryptsetup open /dev/nvme0n1p3 encrypted

  • then mount the filesystem inside the now decrypted container to the /mnt directory:

sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /mnt

  • then mount the efi partition to where it belongs
    find that out by listing /etc/fstab inside the now decrypted and mounted / partition:
    cat /mnt/etc/fstab

Based on the result, mount it to the same place under /mnt
for example to /boot/efi

sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi

(… just for example - depends on what is in the fstab!)

  • then chroot into that system, which is now available below /mnt

manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash

You should end up with a different looking Prompt
it is usually red and starts with a # (hash mark)

Only when you are there can you start working on the system in chroot.

To exit chroot when you are done type:

Don’t forget that.
Only then can you reboot and test what you did …


I am OP
long story but my other manjaro install corrupted and there is no way of recovering the account without the backup codes which are lost with it, so I do apologize for the wait.

I tried both


[quote=“waffel360, post:1, topic:133149, full:true”]
and through the sequence of steps from @Nachlese
and received the following

    ~  lsblk                                                                                          ✔
loop0           7:0    0  29.7M  1 loop  /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1           7:1    0 896.5M  1 loop  /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2           7:2    0   1.9G  1 loop  /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3           7:3    0 739.3M  1 loop  /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
sda             8:0    1 115.5G  0 disk
├─sda1          8:1    1 115.5G  0 part
│ └─ventoy    254:0    0   3.6G  1 dm    /run/miso/bootmnt
└─sda2          8:2    1    32M  0 part
sdb             8:16   1     0B  0 disk
nvme0n1       259:0    0 238.5G  0 disk
├─nvme0n1p1   259:1    0    64G  0 part
├─nvme0n1p2   259:2    0     1G  0 part
├─nvme0n1p3   259:3    0    80G  0 part
│ └─encrypted 254:1    0    80G  0 crypt
└─nvme0n1p4   259:4    0  93.5G  0 part
    ~  sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /mnt                                                                                                                                                                                        ✔
    ~  cat /mnt/etc/fstab                                                                                                                                                                                                           ✔
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=CDB4-120E                            /boot/efi      vfat    umask=0077 0 2
/dev/mapper/luks-52ef1471-0ab8-4ff7-8428-a61f3101beda /              ext4    defaults,noatime 0 1
/dev/mapper/luks-facd7af2-0139-4292-acb6-041b7be8325d /home          ext4    defaults,noatime 0 2
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
#UUID=a18f59f6-b026-49f9-81ce-3e2067752985   swap              swap    defaults,noatime 0 0

//                         /home/lucy/nas/Media   cifs    rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,user=waffel360,vers=3.0,noauto,noserverino,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.mount-timeout=30,_netdev,credentials=/home/lucy/nas/smbcred   0 0
    ~  sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi                                                                                                                                                                                      ✔
    ~  manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash                                                                                                                                                                                                ✔
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux61 linux60 overwrite
warning: linux61-6.1.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: linux60-6.0.19-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
error: target not found: overwrite
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux61 linux60 overwrite '*'
warning: linux61-6.1.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: linux60-6.0.19-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
error: target not found: overwrite
error: target not found: *
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux61 linux60 -overwrite -'*'
pacman: invalid option -- '*'
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux61 linux60 -overwrite
error: invalid option '-o'
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux61 linux60 overwrite *
warning: linux61-6.1.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: linux60-6.0.19-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
error: target not found: overwrite
error: target not found: bin
warning: 'bin' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: boot
warning: 'boot' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: crypto_keyfile.bin
warning: 'crypto_keyfile.bin' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: desktopfs-pkgs.txt
warning: 'desktopfs-pkgs.txt' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: dev
warning: 'dev' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: etc
warning: 'etc' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: home
warning: 'home' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: lib
warning: 'lib' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: lib64
warning: 'lib64' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: lost+found
warning: 'lost+found' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: mnt
warning: 'mnt' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: opt
warning: 'opt' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: proc
warning: 'proc' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: rootfs-pkgs.txt
warning: 'rootfs-pkgs.txt' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: run
warning: 'run' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: sbin
warning: 'sbin' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: srv
warning: 'srv' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: sys
warning: 'sys' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: tmp
warning: 'tmp' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: usr
warning: 'usr' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
error: target not found: var
warning: 'var' is a file, did you mean -U/--upgrade instead of -S/--sync?
[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux
warning: linux510-5.10.164-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) linux510-5.10.164-1

Total Installed Size:  80.10 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                                                                                                                [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                                                                                                              [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                                                                                                                   [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                                                                                                             [#######################################################################################] 100%
(1/1) checking available disk space                                                                                                           [#######################################################################################] 100%
warning: could not get file information for boot/linux510-x86_64.kver
:: Running pre-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Creating Timeshift snapshot before upgrade...
==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
:: Processing package changes...
(1/1) reinstalling linux510                                                                                                                   [#######################################################################################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/5) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/5) Updating module dependencies...
(3/5) Updating linux initcpios...
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 5.10.164-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 5.10.164-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
(4/5) Refreshing PackageKit...
Error connecting: Could not connect: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly
(5/5) Updating Grub-Bootmenu
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Its output will be used to detect bootable binaries on them and create new boot entries.
ERROR: mkdir /var/lock/dmraid
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Root filesystem isn't btrfs
If you think an error has occurred, please file a bug report at ""
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin
Found memtest86+ EFI image: /boot/memtest86+/memtest.efi

all of which gives a black screen and no tty
many thanks for your time.
(also as an odd side note specifically this web page crashes all browsers (excluding tor) on my phone, and all other threads load fine)

you are correct
nvme0n1p1 = swap
nvme0n1p2 = efi
nvme0n1p3 = root
nvme0n1p4 = home

i didnt noticed, i gave you the wrong command, so my mistake, this is the correct one (you run it from chroot):

pacman -S linux61 linux60 --overwrite '*'

if there were no errors, exit chroot, reboot …

you should be able to boot with the 5.10 kernel, so select it in grub menu/advanced options, and you can rerun the reinstall/overwrite command from your installation, but then you have to use it with sudo

It is not critical for now, but you should revisit /etc/fstab

you say:

nvme0n1p1 = swap

but you commented out the swap in /etc/fstab

I find it a bit strange that you have an encrypted system with unencrypted swap, but ok.
Same goes for /home, I guess.
The system is encrypted, but /home and swap is not is strange to me.

I’d (for now) also comment the last line - for your NAS.

lsblk -f
gives more information than just lsblk


that was it
thank you so much.
At least I have a computer to fix the other 2
here is the out put for anyone who comes across this and wants it

[manjaro /]# pacman -S linux61 linux60 --overwrite '*'
warning: linux61-6.1.7-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
warning: linux60-6.0.19-3 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (2) linux60-6.0.19-3  linux61-6.1.7-1

Total Installed Size:  340.01 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        0.00 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(2/2) checking keys in keyring                                        [#######################################] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity                                      [#######################################] 100%
(2/2) loading package files                                           [#######################################] 100%
(2/2) checking for file conflicts                                     [#######################################] 100%
(2/2) checking available disk space                                   [#######################################] 100%
warning: could not get file information for boot/linux60-x86_64.kver
:: Running pre-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Creating Timeshift snapshot before upgrade...
==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due skipRsyncAutosnap in /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf set to TRUE.
:: Processing package changes...
(1/2) reinstalling linux61                                            [#######################################] 100%
(2/2) reinstalling linux60                                            [#######################################] 100%
>>> NOTE, 6.0.19 is the last maintenance release of the 60 kernel series.
    This kernel is now marked 'End Of Life' (EOL).

    It is recommend to switch to the newer linux61 series:
    'sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux61'

:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/5) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/5) Updating module dependencies...
(3/5) Updating linux initcpios...
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux60.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 6.0.19-3-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux60.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 6.0.19-3-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux61.preset: 'default'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
==> Starting build: 6.1.7-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
==> Image generation successful
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux61.preset: 'fallback'
  -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64 -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 6.1.7-1-MANJARO
  -> Running build hook: [base]
  -> Running build hook: [udev]
  -> Running build hook: [modconf]
  -> Running build hook: [block]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qed
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: wd719x
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla1280
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qla2xxx
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: xhci_pci
  -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
  -> Running build hook: [keymap]
  -> Running build hook: [consolefont]
==> WARNING: consolefont: no font found in configuration
  -> Running build hook: [plymouth]
  -> Running build hook: [encrypt]
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: qat_4xxx
  -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
  -> Running build hook: [fsck]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating gzip-compressed initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img
==> Image generation successful
(4/5) Refreshing PackageKit...
Error connecting: Could not connect: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly
(5/5) Updating Grub-Bootmenu
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found theme: /usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.1-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.1-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-6.0-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-6.0-x86_64-fallback.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/intel-ucode.img /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
Found initrd fallback image: /boot/initramfs-5.10-x86_64-fallback.img
Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.
Its output will be used to detect bootable binaries on them and create new boot entries.
ERROR: mkdir /var/lock/dmraid
Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ...
Root filesystem isn't btrfs
If you think an error has occurred, please file a bug report at ""
Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+/memtest.bin
Found memtest86+ EFI image: /boot/memtest86+/memtest.efi

Thank you also for your input and knowledge.
During install it absolutely refused to install after around 20 attempts with encrypted swap so its something I need to learn more about.
The comment was manually typed and put there during this troubleshooting to remind me for later.

Is there any resources that would be best to look into to learn more of where I went wrong?

Also is there any way to get the original account reset?

I guess it is like everywhere else - if you forget the password, you can ask for an email with a link to reset it.
Should be at the login page.
But that would mean you have then two active accounts - not sure whether this will be a problem.

so it worked and you booted normally into your system?
and what do you mean with the other 2?

and also:

so remove the kernel:
sudo mhwd-kernel -r linux60
its not good to have dead kernels installed…

I did password reset with the email but it takes me to a page to enter a backup code that is gone.

yes all seems to be working fine

I had 2 other manjaro systems that are broken
The first I have 2 issues, 1 minor and the other major
the other system I will just wipe as it is not important.

I guessing it is best to make a new thread as they are different issues to this one.

good spot and will do

What would be the potential issues,if it’s not being used?

if you keep the dead kernel it could lead to problems with updates, especially if you have installed linux60 kernel modules …

for the other broken computer make another thread, and if the issue is update related it should be easily fixed…

and dont forget to rerun update after you removed the linux60 kernel:

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syyu

and dont leave updates unattended

Thank you for taking the time to explain things

Also how would I un-quiet the kernel for dmesg log as I could’nt find any way?
And what do the numbers on the left side mean? Seconds?
What is the best way of crediting or giving kudos or the like?

No need to un-quiet the kernel to get a (dmesg) log.

sudo dmesg --human --time-format ctime

or shorter, but the same meaning:
sudo dmesg -H -T

lets you scroll up and down

The time format here is obvious, I think.

another way to view logs is journalctl

journalctl -b

shows the log for the current boot

there are lots of options to narrow down the output

man journalctl

Thank you. I was reading in a couple of places that I had to un-quiet the kernel to see all the logs.