Error: file `/boot/initramfs-6.6-x86_64.img' not found

Hi, I was in the process of updating my Manjaro using sudo pacman -Syu but I accidentally pressed the power off button and when rebooted the device I get this message

error: file `/boot/initramfs-6.6-x86_64.img’ not found.

Press any key to continue…

But no key is working I’m stuck on this screen. Any ideas how can I fix it?


Please also check wether your disk is"out of space"

Well, that was a silly thing to do.

This explains how to Restore the GRUB Bootloader if needed.

Booting from a Manjaro Installer DVD/IDO/USB is suggested, and performing this within a manjaro-chroot environment; the link explains all.


No my disk has plenty of space

I was trying to boot using grub but it’s not working my disk is encrypted I’ve these partitions (proc) (hd0) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1) every one of them showing error: unknown file system except (proc) that’s showing


And sorry if my English is bad

Please always mention this in your first post;
Likewise, if you happen to use BTRFS as a filesystem.

As my experience with luks on Manjaro is limited, I’ll defer to others who might provide better advice regarding encrypted filesystems.

I wish you luck.


Oh thanks

The following is pretty much the procedure.
Boot from USB.

open encrypted container
finish update &
install kernel

/boot/vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 not found. Stuck in LUKS security partition - #2 by Nachlese

inside chroot
install kernel like this:
pacman -Syu linux66
mkinitcpio -P linux

then either one of
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

to exit chroot


Hey I’m not understanding it clearly can you simplify it? I’m a newbie… I booted from a live USB and I typed lsblk -f and this is the results

Im not understanding the part where you mentioned open the encrypted container

As mentioned earlier, I am unable to help with a luks setup, but if its just a question of understanding syntax given, perhaps this will help:

Open the encrypted container:

sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sdXy encrypted

  • Substitute /dev/sdXy for the location of your encrypted container – that container appears to be /dev/sda2 judging by your lsblk output.

That translates as:

sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 encrypted


sda2 is your encrypted partition
sda1 is the EFI partition

sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 encrypted
sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /mnt
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
manjaro-chroot /mnt /bin/bash


  • open the encrypted container
  • mount the decrypted partition to /mnt
  • mount the EFI partition to /mnt/boot/efi - /boot/efi is the directory where it belongs - look at /etc/fstab …
  • chroot into the assembled system and do what there is to do:

… please don’t use screenshots - it is trivially easy to copy/paste the terminal output

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after i typed sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /mnt im getting this

[manjaro@manjaro ~]$ sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted /mnt
mount: /mnt: fsconfig system call failed: /dev/mapper/encrypted: Can’t lookup blockdev.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

How did you open the encrypted container?
What command did you use?
What is the output of
lsblk -f
after opening (you provided your password)?

i typed sudo cryptsetup open /dev/sda2 encrypte then i entered my password

lsblk -f ouput:

[manjaro@manjaro ~]$ lsblk -f
NAME      FSTYPE      FSVER            LABEL              UUID                                 FSAVAIL FSUSE% MOUNTPOINTS
loop0     squashfs    4.0                                                                            0   100% /run/miso/sfs/livefs
loop1     squashfs    4.0                                                                            0   100% /run/miso/sfs/mhwdfs
loop2     squashfs    4.0                                                                            0   100% /run/miso/sfs/desktopfs
loop3     squashfs    4.0                                                                            0   100% /run/miso/sfs/rootfs
├─sda1    vfat        FAT32            NO_LABEL           2FDF-08E1                                           
└─sda2    crypto_LUKS 1                                   57a92bc2-e0d5-4934-920f-62bf530af600                
          ext4        1.0                                 bc0a57ef-b7c3-4f1d-bd1f-30bfea7ba873                
sdb       iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_XFCEM_2412 2024-11-04-04-22-42-00                     0   100% /run/miso/bootmnt
├─sdb1    iso9660     Joliet Extension MANJARO_XFCEM_2412 2024-11-04-04-22-42-00                              
└─sdb2    vfat        FAT12            MISO_EFI           8D7C-F294

you used the name “encrypte” to refer to the container
use it for the mount command as well

You just made a typo, missed a character.
encrypte vs encrypted …

But this is just a name anyway - you could have called it anything you like - but then you need to stick to that in the following commands

… this wouldn’t have happened with copy & paste :slightly_smiling_face:

Please format your post as </> (preformatted text)

sorry for the typo mistake :no_mouth: but this time it worked i have completed every commands

should i reboot my system now?

yes - if you want to check the effect of what you did :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey I just rebooted my old system but the display is black and there is _ sing one the left corner it’s blinking and my cursor is also blinking


I have done this for you this time.
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