Error: attempting to read or write outside of disk

Hello Manjaro Members, I’m a new user of Manjaro Plasma Desktop and got stuck on an error. I allocated 307.6 GB disk partition to Manjora OS (I’m using Windows on the other side). After a few days of setup, Instead of allocating 307 GB combined for both root and home partition, I thought of giving 128 GB to root and the remaining part to home partition. I did the partition using konsole,

cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1

After writing the partition to the disk, suddenly the screen became black. Then I rebooted my laptop. The screen shows,

Enter passphrase for hd1,gpt6 (6c5cdc30-9889-40ef-8ce7-c36f352131be):

In the beginning of installation of Manjaro, I set up a encrypt password for this os. And the above asked passphrase is usual. If I enter the passphrase correctly, it’ll decrypt the master key and shows the lock screen. But now it shows this error:

Attempting to decrypt the master key…
Slot 0 opened
error: attempt to read or write outside of disk ‘cryptouuid/6c5cdc30988940ef8ce7c36f352131be’.
Entering rescue mode…
grub rescue> _

To resolve this error, I referred some articles and videos. Then I tried this,

grub rescue> Is

(crypto0) (proc) (hd0) (hd0, gpt1) (hd1) (hd1, gpt7) (hd1, gpt6) (hd1, gpt5) (hd1, gpt4) (hd1, gpt3) (hd1, gpt2) (hd1, gpt1)

grub rescue> Is (crypto0)

(crypto0): Filesystem is ext2.

grub rescue> set boot-(crypto0)

grub rescue> set prefix=(crypto0) /boot/grub

grub rescue> insmod normal

error: file /x86_64-efi/normal. mod’ not found.

If I type “insmod normal” there, I get
““error: file ‘x86_64-efi/normal.mod’ not found.””

I don’t know if I successfully wrote the partition, it suddenly became black and I rebooted then. I backed up all my data before partitioning the disk. What to do now? Someone kindly help me to overcome this error on startup. Thanks in advance :pray:t2:.

Perhaps I don’t understand the situation.

You installed into one partition
and later you got to work on that partition and split it in two

and you did this … how?
USB boot the Manjaro iso → Konsole → cfdisk?

And after you changed the encrypted partition you installed to,
after you split it in two,
you can now no longer boot - and you wonder why?

Is that a correct assessment of the situation?

inxi -Fazy

lsblk -f

I’ll try to explain it better. First, I live booted from USB. Second, I installed it in hard disk - allocating a separate new volume, also I set up that encrypt key/passphrase here. Then I went to the konsole, typed the cfdisk /dev/nvme0n1. There I created a new partition for the nvme0n1p6 partition (divided the 307 GB to 128 GB & 179 GB for root and home partition). Now I get error on boot.

I still don’t understand what you did to which partition.

lsblk -f
(copy this command to terminal and post the output)

You booted your new, encrypted system and did what to which partition?

Where is your installed system?
What did you change?

Did you try to “split” the active partitions of your already running system?

inxi -Fazy
will give full system info

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