Clean install of manjaro cinnamon. After adding a keyboard layout and settings layout switching key combination, on login an error message appears:
Error activatong XKB configuration
There can be various reasons for that.
If you report this situation as a bug, include the results of
xprop -root | grep XKB
gsettings get org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard model
gsettings get org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts
gsettings get org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard options
I am at the same situation.
First I tried to add keyboard layout
Then I tried $ setxkbmap -layout ir to change layout. It worked but then even this command stopped working.
It seems like 00-keyboard.conf is being ignored, as both localectl commands and manual edits (Xorg/Keyboard configuration - ArchWiki) never made any change to the error.