Hi, I searched forums already but I found a lot of different results that mostly seamed irrelevant or that i didn’t understand.So I’m making my own post here.
I know, the AUR isn’t officially supported but I have to use eclipse for college, if this doesn’t work, I’ll just have to use windows. If you know better ways to install eclipse, let me know. For now, eclipse seams to work just fine except for the scaling.
I have a 2560x1600 screen built into my laptop and eclipse doesn’t scale the icons. They are way to small. I’m using 125% scaling in the KDE settings.
If you know any way to force eclipse to use bigger icons, tell me / link me to it. Thank you for your time.
After a while, I realized the line number were getting truncated and then the file explorer on the left stopped working, when I deleted those three line form eclipse.ini everything wen back to normal, including the size of the icons. I went back and forth multiple time and the scalling works but it breaks the ui in a lot of places.
I looked into the issue further and found this: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=563923
It seems like icon scalling just isn’t supported, is there a way to use the second method from the article you sent or is that kind of scalling windows exclusive ?