i have this problem with aur.
i can’t update with
sudo pamac update -a --force-refresh
what can i do for use this command?
Translation to French via Google added by moderator:
salut, j’ai ce problème avec aur. je n’arrive pas à mettre à jour avec
sudo pamac update -a --force-refresh
que puis-je faire pour utiliser cette commande ?
sincèrement mathieu
sudo pamac update -a --force-refresh ✔
[sudo] Mot de passe de ma :
Avertissement : Construction de paquets en tant qu'utilisateur dynamique
Avertissement : Définition du dossier de construction dans /var/cache/pamac
Synchronisation des bases de données des paquets...
Actualisation de core.db...
Actualisation de extra.db...
Actualisation de community.db...
Actualisation de multilib.db...
Actualisation de core.files...
Actualisation de extra.files...
Actualisation de community.files...
Actualisation de multilib.files...
Actualisation de AUR...
Échec de la synchronisation de la base de données AUR
Rien à faire.
Transaction terminée avec succès.
pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Une authentification est requise pour installer, mettre à jour ou supprimer des paquets
Authenticating as: ma
Synchronisation des bases de données des paquets...
cp: préservation des dates pour '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/refresh_timestamp': Opération non permise
cp: préservation des dates pour '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/mhwd.db': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/refresh_timestamp': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.db': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.db': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/community.db': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.db': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/core.files': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/extra.files': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/community.files': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/multilib.files': Opération non permise
chmod: modification des droits de '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/packages-meta-ext-v1.json.gz': Opération non permise
Rien à faire.
Transaction terminée avec succès.
Edite le fichier /etc/pacman.conf et supprime les lignes du dépôt.
Poste le fichier ici pour les lignes en question car ca fait un an au moins qu’il n’existe plus et je n’ai plus les lignes exactes en tête. Ca doit être un truc du genre
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
avec peut être d’autres lignes.
Aussi du coup vu que tu ne maintiens pas ton système au top apparemment, par curiosité poste la commande pacdiff -o
# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
#RootDir = /
#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
#HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
HoldPkg = pacman glibc manjaro-system
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -L -C - -f -o %o %u
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
#UseDelta = 0.7
Architecture = auto
#IgnorePkg =
#IgnorePkg =
#IgnoreGroup =
#NoUpgrade =
#NoExtract =
# Misc options
# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
#ParallelDownloads = 5
# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
#RemoteFileSigLevel = Required
# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Manjaro Linux
# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro`.
# - can be defined here or included from another file
# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
# have identical names, regardless of version number
# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
# Repository entries are of the format:
# [repo-name]
# Server = ServerName
# Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.
# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
# /etc/pacman.conf
# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
#RootDir = /
#DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
#LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
#GPGDir = /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/
#HookDir = /etc/pacman.d/hooks/
HoldPkg = pacman glibc manjaro-system
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -L -C - -f -o %o %u
#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
#UseDelta = 0.7
Architecture = auto
#IgnorePkg =
#IgnorePkg =
#IgnoreGroup =
#NoUpgrade =
#NoExtract =
# Misc options
# We cannot check disk space from within a chroot environment
#ParallelDownloads = 5
# By default, pacman accepts packages signed by keys that its local keyring
# trusts (see pacman-key and its man page), as well as unsigned packages.
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
LocalFileSigLevel = Optional
#RemoteFileSigLevel = Required
# NOTE: You must run `pacman-key --init` before first using pacman; the local
# keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Manjaro Linux
# packagers with `pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro`.
# - can be defined here or included from another file
# - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
# - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
# - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
# have identical names, regardless of version number
# - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
# - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
# Repository entries are of the format:
# [repo-name]
# Server = ServerName
# Include = IncludePath
# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
# uncommented to enable the repo.
# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
# enable the multilib repositories as required here.
SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
# tips on creating your own repositories.
#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
#Server = file:///home/custompkgs