Easily identify LTS kernels by description

Why not simply add LTS to the package description?
The Linux61 kernel and modules

The Linux61 LTS kernel and modules

With this, it’s easy for all users to find the LTS with all tools (pacman, pamac, …) and with a small change in (mhwh-kernel, manjaro-starter, packages.manjaro.org, …).


If new users were able to identify an LTS with pamac or pacman they may incorrectly assume it is ok to install kernels using these tools rather than Manjaro Settings Manager GUI or mhwd-kernel


I like this idea.

However, I also understand @nikgnomic’s point. So is there no way to hide the kernels in anything other than Manjaro Settings Manager or mwhd-kernel?

We could add that to those we know they are LTS.