During installation Manjaro not connect to WiFi router

During installation Manjaro by DVD Distrib? it’s load environment. All ok but not WiFi connection to router and installation can not possible to contiinue, because it have not internet. WiFi adapter is TP-Link TL-WN823N.

Hello @Anton_P :wink:

To get a fast answer, please post also your system information, especially the chipid of the chipset is important, not the model name.

After searching I found this device:


It is the RTL8192EU chipset.

Then search the AUR and you’ll find this here: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/8192eu-dkms/

It must be installed on the local installation (not the live session) and linux headers are needed. It necessary to have a internet connection first via wired cable or usb tethering via phone.

The run after installation:

pamac update

(check which linux you are running: uname -r)

pamac install linux510-headers
pamac build 8192eu-dkms-git

After reboot the driver should be available.


Thank you very mutch! I’ll try to connect first via wired cable.

Unfortunately, It give not result. So I have not solution yet. And I don’t know, how I can back implemented changes if necessary.

inxi -Nazy


pamac remove 8192eu-dkms-git

and it is gone.