In the picture - there’s 3 files on the desktop, but only the selected file is the real one.
As i move this file, the other 2 move with it at set spacing.
If i delete the file, those other two remain.
I didn’t either until i rebooted… But i doubt the bash script is the problem.
For instance, it doesn’t open display settings all of a sudden when right clicking desktop.
I’m gonna restart, see what happenns. Be right back.
Yes, i think. They first appeared after resuming from sleep i believe, and exponentially duplicated each time resuming from lock screen. After i removed the bash script from the file, they all disappeared (and the file changed the icon to an empty file one).
After the restart, i could access the display settings too. Probably unrelated, but when you told me to align, i also tried to see the display settings but could not get it to open. So a restart fixed that.
So… Not sure what happened, why the script caused the file to make fake duplicates… Maybe cause i didn’t make it an .sh script? Just empty file with that in it?
Still, i can’t see how a simple cd directory and ./file -argument command would do this.