Dual monitors acting like single monitor

Yes, unfortunately. I usually turn off “smooth scrolling” (or whatever it’s called) in the browser.

I found a “solution” to my original problem without having to install optimus-manager.

I modified a guide I found at xrandr virtual splitscreen cookbook

It uses the xrandr --setmonitor command to create virtual monitors. The idea is I take the screen in split it into 2 virtual monitors. Someone more linux savvy than me might be able to make this more eloquent, but the below is a down-and-dirty way I got it to work. It allows me to maximize windows and have them stay in whatever monitor I want. It also allows me to snap windows in both monitors correctly. I don’t have to worry about logging in and out to change from intel or nvidia mode.

Upon first logging in, if I am am using two monitors, I run a script with the following commands:

xrandr --setmonitor veDP-1 1920/344x1080/193+1920+0 eDP-1
xrandr --setmonitor vHDMI-1-0 1920/480x1080/270+0+0 HDMI-1-0
xrandr --fb 3840x1080
xrandr --output eDP-1 --primary --mode 1920x1080 --rate 120.11 --output HDMI-1-0 --panning 1920x1080 --mode 1920x1080 --left-of eDP-1 --rate 60

If I am running with only a single monitor, I run a script with the following commands:

xrandr --delmonitor veDP-1
xrandr --delmonitor vHDMI-1-0
xrandr --fb 1920x1081
xrandr --fb 1920x1080

While running my session, I can run either script to switch between using only one monitor or only two.
Also, run the script after either plugging in a monitor, or unplugging it. Running the one monitor setup script before unplugging the second monitor causes it to wonk out.

I’m hoping to automate this somehow, but I don’t know really know how to go about it.

I would say this qualifies as a solution. The only way to “automate” that is to have 2 .desktop files on the … erm… desktop and double-clicking them to get the config you want.

  • Here is a rather elaborate tutorial on how to create a desktop file.
  • Alternatively, modify this very crude desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=2 Monitors
GenericName=Monitor config
Comment=Change Screen config to use 2 monitors


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