Dual Boot with separate Boot managers

Good evening.
Although several years with Manjaro, I just joined the forum. I still haven’t learned the rules of its operation. But I will pursue it immediately.
And a clarification: I use a translator, because unfortunately I do not have the required knowledge of the English language.And the translation may sometimes seem a little strange.Anyway.
The reason for my registration to the dear Manjaro forum, is my following question:
How do I install a Manjaro-KDE, on a Windows 11 computer, without losing Windows Boot manager? I don’t want linux grub to show me more functional to choose every time.By pressing the power button of the computer to start Windows normally. But with the side button, that in this Lenovo G70 is like OneKey Recovery system (instead of a f option), from the Boot options option, choose an input to the linux.
Image of ssd’s partitions by Manjaro Linux’s live usb.
I want Manjaro installed on /dev/sda5, which is the corresponding Windows Storage (D:). /dev/sda3 is the local disk (C:) of the Windows, on which it is operating. I think the picture is enlightening.
Is that possible?

The ssd of laptop is 256 Giga, split into two.
I’ve done countless dual boot, facilities. I know the whole process very well, but I’ve been intrigued by that question lately.
Thank you, and again I’m sorry for my English, if you’re confused.

Welcome to the forum! :vulcan_salute:

Given that your system appears to have been set up for a native UEFI boot, the Windows boot loader is still there. But Windows doesn’t have a good track record on working together well with other operating systems, so I’d be surprised if its boot menu — if it has one; I don’t know because I don’t use Windows — would include an entry for booting Manjaro.

GRUB on the other hand will detect the presence of Windows on the machine and will add an entry for it in the GRUB boot menu, on the condition that the os_prober is enabled — it disabled by default, for security reasons — and upon choosing Windows from the GRUB menu, GRUB will invoke the Windows boot loader.

If I understand you correctly, then what you want is to have the machine automatically boot into Windows at power-up without seeing the GRUB menu. So what you can then do is set Windows as the default choice in GRUB and make the GRUB menu hidden — it will become visible if you press Esc during the machine’s boot-up sequence — but then don’t set the timeout too short, or you won’t be able to boot into Manjaro anymore.

Things you should look at in your /etc/default/grub:point_down:

# Change the word "saved" to the number that corresponds with the Windows
# entry in the GRUB menu, starting the count from "0".  So the first entry 
# will be "0", the second entry will be "1", and so on. ↓

# Change "menu" to "hidden. ↓

# This is the number of seconds that GRUB will wait before booting the
# default choice, and therefore, the time you have for pressing Esc
# and bringing up the menu. ↓

# Change "true" to "false" here in order to allow GRUB to detect any
# other operating systems installed on this machine and add them 
# to the GRUB menu.  If it is already set to "false", then make sure
# that the line is not commented out — i.e. that there is no "#" in 
# front of it. ↓

After making the changes, run the following command… :point_down:

sudo update-grub

Yes. What you say seems to me to be the most reasonable solution. Grub will do its job. I’ll give it a try and let you know the outcome.And I don’t use Windows and I don’t know much about the behavior they have with other OS. But they gave me a used laptop with windows 11, and I said to keep it that way. But I couldn’t not not add a distribution to it. And I choose my favorite Manjaro with KDE. Although my basic system is the beast, Manjaro-Gnome.
Thank you for your support.

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