Dual boot windows

Hello, i want a light version of windows to dual boot my linux with, but i am not sure how , can anyone give me some recommendations please?

Hi @arch1,

That’ll depend on your setup. Will it be on a different hard drive? The same one, but a different partition?

Also, keep in mind that Windoze is infamous for messing up boot loaders, basically with every update, so you’ll have to be comfortable to reinstall, or get comfortable with reinstalling grub quite often.

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i want on a single hard drive. i got my linux partition and i will resize it so i get space for windows. Also i don’t want to install windows 10, i want to install windows 7.

You thief!

(P.S: Not a good idea publishing criminal intentions publicly.)

damn bro

This is not a Windows support forum. microsoft.com is that way.