Dropdown for Smileys broken?

I don’t know if I’m the only one and if this has something to do with my local configuration.

Since the forum software was updated a few days ago, the Manjaro forum site has been occasionally crashing when I try to add a smiley to an existing forum post. In some cases it seems to work, but most of the time Chromium stops responding and reports the website as unresponsive shortly after.

  • The dropdown with smileys stays open but does not respond:
  • Then Chromium displays the message “Page not responding”:

I can’t use this tab again until I quit and restart Chromium!
I haven’t analyzed in detail whether this also happens in other cases when using the smiley dropdown, but it also seems to happen occasionally when writing a post.


I cannot reproduce it. I am replying to your post by way of chromium and I’ve added a :face_with_raised_eyebrow: icon to your post. Yet, everything works normally here.

Edit: And now I am editing my own post with firefox, and changing the :face_with_raised_eyebrow: icon on your post to the :man_shrugging: icon. Still working normally.

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Works :100: here, albeit with Firefox. So, try a clean profile.

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Or just clearing out the browser cache. That might do it too.

Did it.
I will try for a day or two.

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It did not help :frowning:

It only worked 3 …10 times until it crashed again.

Sounds like a faulty profile.
Try a new profile next. One with no customizations.

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It definitely seems like a browser issue to me. Possibly one of your extensions. :thinking: