Download Flatpaks From Flathub

Some applications offer a flatpak as a download on Github and others don’t.
Would it be possible to download the flatpaks from flathub on my phone so that I can transfer them to my PC?

Hi @francois072 ,
You could try to follow the instructions about this on the following URL:
You do not need to use your phone for this task.

Hope this help, regards

The reason I wanted to use my phone was because I don’t always have internet access at my PC.

I don’t think Flatpak cannot be installed without internet,the .flatpak pulls all the dependencies when you execute it,your best bet is to search for a .appimage,that way you don’t need to install anything and is more portable.

Search here the program you want to install if there is an appimage available

I installed Glimpse with a flatpak from github.

I did need to download 5 GNOME dependencies but if I can download any flatpak from flathub via the browser then I’ll just download the dependencies to.

Reason I want to use flatpak instead of appimage is that not all apps are available as an appimage.

I don’t use kde but in pamac (add/remove software) there’s a flatpak plugin. If you install that you can search for and install flatpaks with the pamac gui

pamac-flatpak-plugin and flatpak are both installed but Pamac isn’t showing any flatpaks. Yes I did enable flatpaks in preferences.