Downgrade packages after switching from testing to stable

Switched some days ago from testing to stable due to error “Signature is invalid”, yet some packages are newer than stable.
Could I just downgrade them to pamac build $(pamac list -qm) all of them?


You can downgrade using sudo pacman -Syyuu but you can also leave them as stable will catch up with testing.

EDIT: A stable update has just been released today which might bring many/all of the packages up to the version you already have into stable.

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Hi @Tribble,

I believe you’s have to sync with pacman again, to do that:

sudo pacman -Syyuu

I don’t know what the pamac equivalent is, but I know you have to set EnableDowngrade in /etc/pamac.conf by uncommenting it:

$ sudo micro /etc/pamac.conf


Followed by, I believe, updating the system:

pamac update


For anyone finding this afterward, the command is not:

pamac upgrade

But actually:

pamac update --enable-downgrade --force-refresh

(Thanks to @cscs for enlightening me.)

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Yeah say the update. Yet some packages with higher version:

pamac update
Synchronizing package databases...
Warning: lib32-libva-mesa-driver: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than multilib (21.2.5-1)
Warning: lib32-mesa: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than multilib (21.2.5-1)
Warning: lib32-mesa-vdpau: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than multilib (21.2.5-1)
Warning: lib32-vulkan-intel: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than multilib (21.2.5-1)
Warning: lib32-vulkan-radeon: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than multilib (21.2.5-1)
Warning: libva-mesa-driver: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than extra (21.2.5-1)
Warning: mesa: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than extra (21.2.5-1)
Warning: mesa-vdpau: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than extra (21.2.5-1)
Warning: vulkan-intel: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than extra (21.2.5-1)
Warning: vulkan-radeon: local (21.3.1-0.1) is newer than extra (21.2.5-1)
Nothing to do.
Transaction successfully finished.

AH! Think I just figured it out. Try:

pamac update --enable-downgrade
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Maybe not all packages in the latest stable update were aligned with testing, for whatever reason.

Use the pacman command above to downgrade (I’ve had a message about manjaro hello local being newer for ages, and I have just left it).

@Mirdarthos Perfect as expected:

pamac update --enable-downgrade

Synchronizing package databases...
Warning: lib32-libva-mesa-driver: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: lib32-mesa: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: lib32-mesa-vdpau: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: lib32-vulkan-intel: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: lib32-vulkan-radeon: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: libva-mesa-driver: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: mesa: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: mesa-vdpau: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: vulkan-intel: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Warning: vulkan-radeon: downgrading from version 21.3.1-0.1 to version 21.2.5-1
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To downgrade (10):
  lib32-libva-mesa-driver  21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  multilib  3.2 MB
  mesa                     21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  extra     17.6 MB
  lib32-mesa               21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  multilib  14.1 MB
  lib32-mesa-vdpau         21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  multilib  3.3 MB
  lib32-vulkan-intel       21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  multilib  2.3 MB
  lib32-vulkan-radeon      21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  multilib  1.8 MB
  libva-mesa-driver        21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  extra     3.1 MB
  mesa-vdpau               21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  extra     3.3 MB
  vulkan-intel             21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  extra     2.4 MB
  vulkan-radeon            21.2.5-1  (21.3.1-0.1)  extra     1.8 MB

Total download size: 52.9 MB
Total installed size: -18.5 MB

Apply transaction ? [y/N] y
Download of mesa (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                                         
Download of lib32-libva-mesa-driver (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                      
Download of lib32-libva-mesa-driver (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                     
Download of lib32-mesa (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                                   
Download of lib32-mesa (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                                  
Download of lib32-mesa-vdpau (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                             
Download of mesa (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                                        
Download of lib32-vulkan-radeon (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                          
Download of lib32-vulkan-radeon (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                         
Download of lib32-vulkan-intel (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                           
Download of lib32-mesa-vdpau (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                            
Download of libva-mesa-driver (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                            
Download of lib32-vulkan-intel (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                          
Download of mesa-vdpau (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                                   
Download of libva-mesa-driver (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                           
Download of vulkan-intel (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                                 
Download of mesa-vdpau (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                                  
Download of vulkan-radeon (21.2.5-1) started                                                                                                                                
Download of vulkan-radeon (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                               
Download of vulkan-intel (21.2.5-1) finished                                                                                                                                
Checking keyring...                                                                                                                                                  [10/10]
Checking integrity...                                                                                                                                                [10/10]
Loading packages files...                                                                                                                                            [10/10]
Checking file conflicts...                                                                                                                                           [10/10]
Checking available disk space...                                                                                                                                     [10/10]
Downgrading lib32-libva-mesa-driver (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                       [1/10]
Downgrading mesa (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                                          [2/10]
Downgrading lib32-mesa (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                                    [3/10]
Downgrading lib32-mesa-vdpau (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                              [4/10]
Downgrading lib32-vulkan-intel (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                            [5/10]
Downgrading lib32-vulkan-radeon (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                           [6/10]
Downgrading libva-mesa-driver (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                             [7/10]
Downgrading mesa-vdpau (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                                    [8/10]
Downgrading vulkan-intel (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                                  [9/10]
Downgrading vulkan-radeon (21.3.1-0.1 -> 21.2.5-1)...                                                                                                                [10/10]
Running post-transaction hooks...
Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...                                                                                                                                         [1/1]
A restart is required for the changes to take effect.
Transaction successfully finished.
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As shown in the wiki and other guides …

sudo pacman -Syyuu

Thats it.

With pamac you also want the --force-refresh flag after touching mirrors.
So assuming it handles this properly the command should ostensibly be:

pamac update --enable-downgrade --force-refresh
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