Dolphin problems already? Just installed yesterday

I have some odness like I try to delete all in trash & I get the folder doesn’t exist? Tried to copy from my network drive earlier same.

Seems it really is a competition. You aren’t here the first day, so please make your posts less useless. I’m not gonna link you HowTo posts.

Not sure how to put it.

Ok. I’m just trying to say that with so little information and no logs it will be a miracle if anyone will be able to help – unless they encountered exactly the thing you’re talking about, which I’m still not sure what it is.

If we make some assumptions and go with
“Trash cannot be emptied”
Then I cannot reproduce.

I can open Dolphin and delete my trash.

If you ‘just installed’ and did nothing else, then you should be able to do the same.

If you destroyed the hidden trash folders, then there’s a PEBCAK issue… This is the only way I have caused issues with my trash in the last ten years (I think I did it twice with hidden folders shown and just randomly delete stuff.

Try to open the trash folder directly. You can do this via Dolphin or the terminal.