After update the Kernel to 6.11.2-4 my docker services was stopped. When I try to start manually, the message seems to inform problems with cgroup.
Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error setting cgroup config for procHooks process: openat2 /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/system.slice/docker-c1f74ec97703dcffddaf04f7728607efb40fc8a35766d8564fdea089ddb20b61.scope/memory.limit_in_bytes: no such file or directory: unknown
Error: failed to start containers: pihole
I tried to edit the /etc/docker/daemon.json
configuration support to cgroup v2
, but doesn’t work.
"dns": [ "", "", "" ],
"iptables": false,
"runtimes": {
"nvidia": {
"path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",
"runtimeArgs": []
"exec-opts": ["native.cgroupdriver=systemd"]
Has anyone had the same issue or know how to solve it?