Do you know of alternative to check-dfsg-status that works on Manjaro?

I was wondering if there is an alternative for check-dfsg-status, program that creates a list only free licencecd Softwares currently installed on users computer.

I’m not aware of this, however, you can use this

pacman -Qi | expac -Q '%n %L'

to get a list of all installed packages and its license.

You can remove open source licenses with

pacman -Qi | expac -Q '%n %L' | sed -Eu '/ +MIT|L?GPL2?|BSD|MPL|APACHE/Id'

(There are more probably and many of the licenses are custom. You need to investigate them invidiually.)

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The package freedom from the AUR will do what you want. Its description says that it “conflicts with all non-free Arch packages.”

To install it…: :arrow_down:

pamac build freedom
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