Do I need to convert a clean Arch Linux OS to Manjaro and if so, how?

My issue:

I like manjaro-arm-installer.
It’s an easy way to install manjaro linux on a SD card for raspberry Pi.
But I have bad experiences with this application.
I once wasn’t paying attention and chose my own hard disk to install on.
Long story short, I saw my error “just in time”, but while trying to resolve and clean up the issue, I accidentally erased my entire hard disk instead.

So in order to avoid this mistake I’d like to run manjaro-arm-installer on a minimal x86 VM.
But since there’s no more minimal x86 for Manjaro,
I’m trying to use Vagrant packer to create one for me.

Now I know how to use packer, so my question is “How do I convert Arch to Manjaro?”
and of course the better question is whether this is the best approach.

There is a docker image in the download section on

There is no need to convert Arch to Manjaro - just use Arch - the script you mention is distribution agnostic- it will run anywhere - just follow instructions in the

This script should be distro-agnostic, which means you can install Manjaro ARM from any distro, as long as the dependencies are met.
manjaro-arm / applications / manjaro-arm-installer · GitLab

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Hi @folaht & welcome.

Personally I would forget the idea of converting your Arch system to Manjaro. For starters, that presents a set of risks of it’s own. Majaro is a derivative of Arch but it would be a bit like trying to convert an Ubuntu system to Mint or something similar.

My advice would be to first, back up your data, make a list of all the apps & settings that you want to reflect in your new Manjaro system & when you’re ready, carefully go through the installation process.

As for using a minimal installer, you have two options with an install & one of them is a minimal install. I chose the Xfce one & there is very little in there, apart from what you need for a working system - much like the “archinstall” script that comes with Arch these days.

I wouldn’t waste your time trying to covert Arch to Manjaro - if you want Manjaro, install Manjaro. Just choose the minimal option & go step by step.

All the best, R :slight_smile:

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Sure there is. :point_right: Manjaro Downloads

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A minimal one for x86. They stopped supporting that.

There is no need to convert Arch to Manjaro - just use Arch - the script you mention is distribution agnostic- it will run anywhere - just follow instructions in the

I’ve tried docker, but I want a virtual device to be erased if the wrong device is chosen. I can’t do that with docker.
I’ve realized about an hour after writing my post that I had the “just use Arch, the script can be installed manually” approach already planned, but I hadn’t been able to work on my little project, so I forgot about it. Thank you for supplying to the readme file.

All the best, R :slight_smile:


Are you sure? :wink:


I only see x86_64. Are you really claiming Manjaro supports 32 Bit systems (x86) again?

Normally when someone says x86, they mean x86_64. 32-bit is i686.

EDIT: Either way, I misunderstood you. Manjaro hasn’t supported 32-bit in years.

No sorry but this is not correct. x86 was in ancient times a 16 Bit instruction set architecture designed by Intel. The architecture was then upgrade to 32 Bit and was called IA-32. However in the Linux community the name x86 was used for this 32 Bit IA-32. This name x86 for 32 Bit is still established.

The 64 Bit upgrade was never called x86. You might get it confused with x64. There are other names like x86-64 or AMD64.


Thanks for the info. I stand corrected.

No no, I do mean x86_64, but minimal installation, but without a Desktop Environment.
I only need to run the manjaro installer the moment it runs, like a docker app.

Maybe I was wrong. It seems for some people x86 is 64 Bit. Sorry for the noise.

No, it’s my fault. I wasn’t clear enough.
My apologies.

Boot any edition, add ‘3’ to kernel parameters and boot this way to TTY.

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