I’m trying to install anbox on the raspberry pi 3. For that I installed a fresh version of manjaro (64bit) on a SD card. This is my current kernel version:
$ echo $(uname -a)
Linux long-rasp 5.10.73-2-MANJARO-ARM #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 15 17:56:08 UTC 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux
When I follow the instruction to compile the kernel modules for anbox on https://github.com/choff/anbox-modules and get the step of running dkms, I get the following error:
$ sudo dkms install anbox-ashmem/1
Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 5.10.73-2-MANJARO-ARM cannot be found at /usr/lib/modules/5.10.73-2-MANJARO-ARM/build or /usr/lib/modules/5.10.73-2-MANJARO-ARM/source.
You can use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located.
I tried to specify the folder /usr/lib/modules/5…/build/include with the --kernelsourcedir
flag but it printed the same error. Anyone has an idea?
Thank for any help!