With XFCE4.20, I am unable to completely disable display blanking due to inactivity. Whenever I leave and return after a few minutes, all displays are off. Power manager is set to perform display power management and is instructed to “never” “put to sleep” or “switch off” displays.
Find your screensaver and/or screen locking settings; you might need to make a few adjustments there.
How to disable auto black screen?
Xfce power management has a Presentation Mode to disable screensaver or suspend settings
Left click Power Manager plugin in system tray to turn it on
Power Manager Plugin Properties has an option to show an additional indicator when Presentation Mode is on
Thank you, this worked perfectly! I was not aware of the feature as I disabled the power manager plugin on my workstation.
As this has nothing to do with the Testing update, this content is has been moved to its own dedicated thread.
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Sorry for the late reply. The behavior changed after updating to XFCE 4.20 with the current testing update. With XFCE 4.18 my preferences to “never” switch the displays off were respected without enabling presentation mode. Enabling presentation mode feels like a workaround to a behavior change or a bug to me.
I assume this might somehow be related to the major changes to lock screen management mentioned here
There is no dedicated “security” tab anymore. Lock screen management was massively simplified and “Light Locker” was dropped. “lock-on-sleep” is now synchronized with xfce4-session and xfce4-screensaver.
Screen locking settings are now only handled by xfce4-screensaver to avoid conflicts. A button to open xfce4-screensaver-preferences was added
Please feel free to keep the topics separate if you feel this to not fit the update thread.
I should have made the behavior change more explicit in my initial post.
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