I can’t find the place where I would disable the F10 key for Konsole (the Plasma terminal app) -
or change it’s default behavior,
which currently is: it is opening the hamburger menu.
I often use mc (midnight commander - a file manager)
and there, the F10 key is used to quit the application.
It does work using the mouse, but this is fast getting annoying to have to use it instead of the keyboard F10.
In all other terminal apps like xfce4-terminal and gnome terminal, this setting is easy to find in their settings menus.
Not so for Konsole - I just don’t know where to look.
Someone surely knows - please tell!
It’s not urgent, but very annoying as it is.
Thank you!
… oh oh - I just found it
Hamburger menu → Settings → Configure Keyboard Shortcuts
Changing the shortcut that opens the menu to something like that might have worked just as well. mc needs the F10 key to not be intercepted by anything else
I was even at the point where I installed xterm and rxvt just to have mc behave as I’m used to.
Yes - and I even posted in that thread.
I knew I had done it some time ago.
But today I couldn’t find it again - neither that thread nor the way to change/disable the shortcut in the maze of menus.
I should have tried a bit longer but I was simply frustrated and chose to ask.
The very first response from @linux-aarhus was perfect.
Now there is one more thread for others to find when they look for the same “problem”.
I recall a vague annoyance with it also; I installed qTerminal (from lxqt) and ran MC via that instead… effectively sidestepping the issue… wo eine wille ist, ist auch ein weg.