Disable 60 sec warning when shutdown/reset Gnome

How to properly disable the 60 second warning message when clicking the shutdown and reset buttons in Gnome shell. I had one cmd but I found this long and frankly, brutal way to do it:

I don’t like to shortcut systemctl shutdown What would be the Manjaro way?

I dont think systemctl shutdown is a functional command?

To the issue…

I would think that gnome-session-quit would make sense.

I dont know if gnome-session-quit --poweroff --force would be right here.

Maybe more like

gnome-session-quit --logout --no-prompt && systemctl poweroff

I also found a slightly old comment referencing this dbus method may be what gnome itself uses.
( I do not have gnome environment to check these things )

dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.PowerOff" boolean:true

So do with that what you will. :sweat_smile:

The correct command is systemctl poweroff

sudo shutdown now or sudo shutdown -r now (to reboot) still seems to work as expected.

Extended examples are given at TheLinuxHandbook.com:

I should add that these commands shutdown virtually immediately.

It’s always possible that could occur without giving open programs enough time to gracefully close and save any open files.

For this reason alone, it’s worth examining the other options in the link given; and also, to consider the reasoning for the 60 second delay in the first place.

But, to the question of disabling the timer, I’ve never given it much thought, being that it’s easy enough to click “OK” at my convenience. :slight_smile:

gsettings set org.gnome.SessionManager logout-prompt false


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Thank for the solution!

sudo shutdown now systemctl poweroff

Looks like my cmd got mandela’d

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