Desktop environment doesn't start up after switching to a AMD Radeon 3700 XT

Please I really need help

I can’t do much for you since graphics cards are not my area of expertise

(I’m afraid it could get worse :wink: )
And all the people here help in their free time. Therefore, you may have to wait for someone to sign up who can help you.
In the meantime, you can re-read what has already been posted and linked, or you can try using forum search.

Hello @mattus,

did you install/uninstall/change graphic drivers before you change the gpu’s?

Normally if you still can login you can try to install the drivers with 'mhwd’ like discribed in the wiki.

This should install the right (nonfree) drivers:

sudo mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300 

If you want to use the free drivers change 'nonfree’ to 'free'. This is what I would try at first. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can also save command output to a file from within a TTY.
Here is an example:

sudo inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --no-host --width > ~/output.txt

Notice the > ~/output.txt at the end? This effectively redirects the output that would have been printed to screen, to the named text file instead. In this way you can take that file and post the content later, any way you see fit.

The drivers seem to be installed already,
I get the result:

> Skipping already installed config 'video-linux' for device: 0000:2d:00.0 (0300:1200:73df) Display controller in ATI Technologies Inc Navi 22 [Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT / 6800M]

There is a recent thread Switch from Nvidia gpu to Amd gpu basically on the same topic that might be helpful.

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I have now made progress and it’s booting but stops at

Starting Hold until boot process finishes up...
Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen...

post pic of:
mhwd -l -li
ls /etc/modprobe.d
find /etc/X11/ -name "*.conf"

it didnt detected any available drivers… check again with:
mhwd -l
inxi -G

so you are in chroot? so you can normally boot into manjaro live usb?
post output also from:
mhwd-kernel -li
pacman -Qm
and if you can provide normal text output …

Plymouth is unnecessary and can often cause boot issues. I suggest you uninstall it according to the instructions at Plymouth Manjaro under the heading Removal. Cheers.

Aside:- Once you’re up and running again, you might like to take a look at RustDesk as an alternative to anydesk-bin.

yeah, i am in chroot. I didn’t want to manually take photos of my screen.
Anyways, here’s the stuff:

sudo chroot /run/media/manjaro/1ac35c4b-154d-4d98-94b4-2d5193b3401e
[manjaro-gnome /]# mhwd-kernel -li
Currently running: 6.1.30-1-MANJARO (linux61)
The following kernels are installed in your system:
   * linux419
   * linux510
[manjaro-gnome /]# pacman -Qm
android-emulator 33.1.23-1
android-sdk 26.1.1-2
android-studio 2023.1.1.26-1
anydesk-bin 6.3.0-1
archlinux-java-run 10-1
arcus 5.0.0-3
audiorelay 0.27.5-3
balena-etcher 2:1.18.13-1
breath2-wallpaper 1.0.18-5
cef-minimal 119.4.3-1
celt 0.11.3-6
cura 5.3.0-1
cura-resources-materials 5.6.0-1
curaengine 4.13.1-3
debtap 3.5.1-1
ebsynth-git r16.2f5c97c-1
electron19 19.1.9-5
electron7-bin 7.3.3-5
evince-no-gnome 44.1-1
gamemaker-beta 2023.200.0.299-1
gb-studio 3.1.0-1
gconf 3.2.6+11+g07808097-10
genymotion 3.5.1-1
gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-7
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6
google-chrome 120.0.6099.71-1
gtk-theme-breath 5.9.0-1
jre 21.0.1-1
js78 78.15.0-4
libcpufeatures-git 0.7.0+15.r284.d20220617.3c4801d-1
libgbinder 1.1.35-1
libglibutil 1.0.74-1
libopenaptx 0.2.0-1
libsavitar 4.13.0-1
libsidplay 1.36.59-10
lxc-git 4.0.0.r2149.g2ac414d56-1
manjaro-documentation-en 20181009-1
manjaro-firmware 20160419-1
mcreator 2023.3.36712-1
minecraft-launcher 1:1.0.1221-1
noto-fonts-compat 20151217-1
opencolorio1 1.1.1-3
parsec-bin 150_86e-4
python-argparse 1.4.0-14
python-backcall 0.2.0-8
python-gbinder 1.1.2-1
python-mapbox-earcut 1.0.1-1
python-pep517 0.13.0-4
python-progress 1.6-8
python-pyglet 2.0.10-1
python-pyinstrument 4.6.1-1
python-pynest2d 4.12.0-1
python-sip4 4.19.25-5
python-svg.path 6.2-1
python-trimesh 4.0.5-1
qt5-webkit 5.212.0alpha4-20
rarcrack 0.2-6
sidequest-bin 0.10.38-1
steamcmd latest-3
substance-painter 8.1.3-1
systemd-fsck-silent 239-1
teamviewer 15.48.4-1
transcode 1.1.7-42
twitch-bin 1.0.4-8
uranium 5.0.0-2
urn-git r133.09c0756-1
visual-studio-code-bin 1.85.0-1
waydroid 1.4.2-1
waydroid-image-gapps 18.1_20231125-1
wine-gui-git 0.14alpha.54.gff60462-1
xclicker 1.5.0-1
xkb-switch 1.8.5-1
xp-pen-tablet 1:
yay-git 12.2.0.r1.g643830f-1

these are your kernels, they are older, so install a newer one, the 6.1:
pacman -S linux61
remove this:

pacman -R celt breath2-wallpaper manjaro-documentation-en manjaro-firmware

exit chroot and reboot…

This worked, thanks :smiley:

If the newer kernel works you may want to get rid of some of the older kernels. 4.19 at least.

May I ask for reference, if the nvidia driver was not purged properly could that cause this problem?

Just having the driver (package) installed probably wont really matter.
(in fact … by default manjaro usually ships with as many gfx driver packages as it can manage - xf86-video-amdgpu, xf86-video-intel, etc)
But something like an xorg file configured to use that nvidia driver would be a problem.
And nvidia mhwd profiles do create such a file.

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