Default password not working on live USB

I’m having the same issue here. I need to be on my live USB to do some maintenance on my computer, but the live USB that I always use suddenly stopped accepting the default password ‘manjaro’.


Or maybe input/locale/language differences?

Usually in cases an expected password does not work one of the common causes is that the characters rendered are different than what the user intended.

The password ìs recognized; it’s the only password that doesn’t bring up “You entered a wrong password”. However, right after entering it, it asks for the password again.

As I remember, the live USB never asked for a password before anyways.

Is there a config file perhaps that I can tweak to force auto-login again?

How old is your live USB? I just used a live USB to chroot into my system a few days ago. The password manjaro definitely worked.

Very old already, actually. It may well be corrupted by now.

You recommend that I download the Manjaro image again and burn it anew on a USB?

And did your USB ask for a password?

Yes, download the most recent ISO for your preferred desktop environment here and burn it to USB.

The USB asked for my password because I logged out and logged back in after changing the display scaling factor and mouse cursor size.

It shouldn’t ask for a password when it initially boots. It should go directly to the desktop.

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The asking for the password bit already had me suspecting that I was dealing with a corrupted image.

Thank you for your response, even though I was hoping to evade the fuss of creating a new live USB.

Please do enjoy your Sunday.

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