Dead keys problem (Spanish layout) - Manjaro with KDE Plasma

(Sorry I’ve edited my previous post, this page had been relatively low traffic so far, with some time before any answer, and I took the risk to improve my answer while possibly having somebody online on the page.)

So you have a configuration which have a special configuration for X11 and another for Wayland.

Sorry, I don’t understand your reply, I’m reading the same configuration in both of the files which content I’ve just shared, which is:
es, pc105, deadtilde.

The problem is QT, somehow it’s not getting the system configuration.
All GTK software is working fine.

Tried, no result, then I tried with the three files

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard \
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf \

No result, dead keys still perfectly fine in gtk software and not working in qt software.

Also tried locale-gen again, no result.

I’m relaunching the same question.

Basically: changing the system language from en US UTF-8 to es AR UTF-8 and back did not bring back QT to the previously correct way to read the dead keys from the keyboard.

I’d have a few more questions / suggestions about Manjaro with KDE Plasma…
… but I might as well decide to install a fresh new system on this disk, Manjaro with Gnome or another Arch-based distribution. I’ll notify here in case.

Whoever wants to dig in this bug can probably reproduce it anyways on any updated Manjaro KDE Plasma installation.

I’ve just seen this part, noted. I was right now looking at quite a few related threads on this same platform which do include snapshots (that I find useful).

I’d again suggest to this community to reconsider that rule, I’ve made my points in my previous answer about that, I’m not going to reiterate the same concepts (nor to post here anything that in my opinion would be appropriate to document with snapshots).


Let me add one more point:
Technical books and web pages are full of pictures.
(I’ve answered above to the second part of your statement.)

Please just consider this as a possibly constructive contribution, I have no spare time/energies for unnecessary polemic on “small” matters. Your platform, your rules, and I have the option to adjust or leave.

I’ve overwritten already, I won’t be able to test any further hints about this problem.
Thanks for all your replies anyways, see you.

EDITING HERE TO ADD SOMETHING AFTER THE THREAD CLOSURE (closing this thread was OK, I didn’t see much interest in solving the problem anyways, not a frequent situation deserving priority).

I am now using Manjaro Gnome, very nice, everything OK so far.
(I’m also using TimeShift.)

Evince is now receiving with no errors through zsh THAT FILE NAME which was AT THE ORIGIN of the problem, at the origin of the idea “let’s see what happens if I change the whole system language from en US UTF-8 to es AR UTF-8” (which didn’t solve that error => back to US, no dead keys).

Maybe evince would have received the file name correctly in zsh with KDE Plasma as well had I used a different syntax on the command line (I can’t remember how I was trying to open it and I can’t swear that I was just doing what I’m doing now, that is using tab => auto-completion with no quotation marks).

ANYWAYS, if anybody with KDE Plasma wants to check out how the command line passes on this file name as a parameter, it’s a pdf doc, a technical doc (still lacking important information) about a special kind of steel, hardox 500.

URL: tinyurl DOT com SLASH 4nnapvhw

(the original URL is too complex to disguise it here).

No point in keeping the thread open anymore then, I suppose…