Dark mode for the forums

I can’t find anywhere in the preferences how to get the original color palettes back for the forum. Instead it is this obnoxious bright white with RED titles which is about the worst (yellow would be a little worse) color choice for titles/important things. Anyway please bring back the old forums color palletes choices. I don’t know if I’m just missing it somewhere but I’ve looked over every preference setting and I thought it used to have the option.


Dark theme is still in progress… wait for a good job :wink:


The dark theme is coming, it is being worked on. @anon89812132 and @codesardine know the most about the theming.

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Are these things not easily salvagable from the previous forum?

like detailed here: Welcome to the new Manjaro Forum
they decided to start from scratch. Obviously, this includes a new fresh look, which means new themes.

Yes well, I’m not overly happy about that, either.
But a dark theme, no matter how incomplete/unfinished, sure would help the reading…


@anon89812132 and @codesardine When it comes to themes please give us access to the old dark mode, create whatever new themes you have planned but if somehow the dark theme from the old site could be salvaged and put into place sooner that would be great as it was very well done and the colors used for text was excellent for readability. This new red font for links is terrible on the eyes, not to mention the mustard yellow popups for things is just plain hard to read.

We still have to finish this one, there is much work to do, I ask everyone to be patient.


well, that’s individual taste. I like the new look.


Btw, is the theme in some git repo possibly? Or are you working on it locally?

Thank you everyone involved for all the work done on the new forums. It’s never fun having to recreate something when a catastrophe hits like this and you have users jumping up and down wanting updates. Take your time it’ll get back to where it was.

The https://archived.forum.manjaro.org/ still has the good dark theme on it when you go to it so hopefully that means the theme information could still be salvaged from the archive site.

(just don’t take too many ui examples from here lol :wink: (https://userinyerface.com/)


I have a copy locally will upload to gitlab under forum theme, at some point.

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You could always use the Dark Reader extension (it is free and open source)
it works on the forums quite well for me :


As a workaround I enabled the system dark theme until @codesardine is able to create our matching dark theme for this forum.


I use it it’s why the RED everywhere is driving me nuts though lol, Still it’s better than the blinding white theme that is the default right now. Just have to deal with the red and mustard yellow popups until the themes get in place.

That would be awesome. Should that be in Preference / Interface? Not seeing it yet but will try again in about an hour after maybe things have sync’d up.

Just had to refresh the preferences page and that made the theme option show up at the top. Thank you so much this is so much more readable now. (to be honest this is just fine, hopefully we can keep this theme as an option with the other themes being added instead of replacing this one. This is a very nice color theme that is VERY readable.

Yes it’s there under interface preferences. I had to refresh to see it. Much easier on the eyes!

Thank you very much.

You know that - for reading - Dark Reader is very useful for 1. reducing contrast of a light theme or 2. inverting and adjusting (like ‘dark’ then ‘100% brightness’ then ‘25% contrast’) the reading experience.

I did like the dark theme myself TBH.

Thanks for fixing a dark theme, for some reason the standard theme wasn’t working well with the Dark background and Light text FF addon in stylesheet processor mode.