Try leetmouse mouse driver which is basically linux mouse driver modified to have some of RawAccel’s functionality for linux.
Clone it.
Copy /gitcloneddir/driver/config.sample.h to config.h in same dir.
Edit the defines to setup how the accel should be.
If you get
“LEETMOUSE: First float-trap…”
or especially
“LEETMOUSE: Final float-trap triggered. This should NEVER happen!”
in kernel messages then you may want to increase BUFFER_SIZE
Note: when compiling shaders in e.g. OW2 I get these traps triggered, but when playing I don’t, so I don’t increase the buffer.
If the buffer is far too low you may have no mouse input.
Instructions are simple, but I made python scripts of the commands to add/remove/build to be able to update the driver when changing config without having to type and remember the commands, and another to be able to remove the driver without remembering the command if I screwed up the settings. Put them into the base dir you did the gitclone to. Use at own risk.
To remove the driver.
import subprocess
rem_leetmouse =["sudo", "pacman", "--noconfirm", "-R", "leetmouse-driver-dkms"])
To build, remove, then add the driver; i.e. update the driver when changing config, also works for fresh install
import subprocess
build_leetmouse =["./scripts/"])
rem_leetmouse =["sudo", "pacman", "--noconfirm", "-R", "leetmouse-driver-dkms"])
add_leetmouse =["sudo", "pacman", "--noconfirm","-U", "pkg/build/leetmouse-driver-dkms-0.9.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst"])