Cura does not start

On my system Ultimaker Cura fail to start; the following is the output of launching it from terminal:

$ cura
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/cura", line 24, in <module>
    from UM.Platform import Platform
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'UM'

I’ve found a similar issue here , where the user finally realizes what was wrong:
“it was using anaconda, i am activating in my profile, i deactivated the env and cura runs from bash just fine.”

I’ve checked by pamac and anaconda is not installed on my system; bash it is, while no one else of other bash related packages is installed.

The outputs of the other checks which were required to that arch user are:

$ python -c "import UM; print (UM.__file__)"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'UM'

$ pacman -Qkk uranium
uranium: 424 total files, 0 altered files

$ which python

How can that be fixed?
I’d like not to uninstall Cura, if possible, so as to keep its configuration.

Looks like an AUR package. You need to rebuild after the underlying Python version changed.

Uninstalling a package does not touch any files in $HOME or other configuration files.

1 Like

so I should unistall and reinstall?

No need to uninstall.

But it depends on which package you chose - there is a cura-bin and a cura which is built
but the latter is flagged as out of date:

AUR (en) - cura

When you use another - uninstall the one you have.
But this should be taken care of via the dependency declared in the PKGBUILD.

1 Like

The installed package is cura 4.13.1-1, cura-bin is not installed

Have you rebuilt it yet?

yay -S cura

# or 
pamac build cura

It will likely fail to build - it’s flagged out of date (link).
The cura-bin is a higher version and does not need to be built.
win - win ? :nerd_face:

I don’t even know what cura is - I was just going by the name.

1 Like

Please ---- no screenshots

Do not post images or screenshots as part of your topic. The forum is a technical forum not an image gallery.
Forum Rules - Manjaro

Fair enough…I always avoid bins, you never know how they’re compiled.

It’s a slicer for 3d printing.

The error speaks for itself

Rebuild cura - it is a custom package …

If the configuration lives in your home - it is going nowhere

1 Like

So I tried to rebuild cura via pamac, but it stopped on “Entering fakeroot environment” - it’s blocked there, should I exit?

$ pamac build cura
Checking cura dependencies...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...

To install (2):
  debugedit   5.0-6    (Required By: base-devel)  core  45,1 kB
  base-devel  1-3                                 core  22,3 kB
To build (1):
  cura        5.3.0-1  (4.13.1-1)                 AUR

Total download size: 67,4 kB
Total installed size: 107,8 kB

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] y

Cloning cura build files...
hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
hint: 	git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
hint: 	git branch -m <name>
Generating cura information...
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: zero
Download of debugedit (5.0-6) started                                           
Download of debugedit (5.0-6) finished                                          
Download of base-devel (1-3) started                                            
Download of base-devel (1-3) finished                                           
Checking keyring...                                                        [2/2]
Checking integrity...                                                      [2/2]
Loading package files...                                                   [2/2]
Checking file conflicts...                                                 [2/2]
Checking available disc space...                                           [2/2]
Installing debugedit (5.0-6)...                                            [1/2]
Installing base-devel (1-3)...                                             [2/2]
Running post-transaction hooks...
Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...                                             [1/1]

Building cura...
==> Making package: cura 5.3.0-1 (mer 7 ago 2024, 15:21:17)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading cura-5.3.0.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 51.8M    0 51.8M    0     0   634k      0 --:--:--  0:01:23 --:--:--  657k
  -> Downloading cura-5.3.0-no-sentry.patch...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   615  100   615    0     0    360      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--   360
==> Validating source files with sha512sums...
    cura-5.3.0.tar.gz ... Passed
    cura-5.3.0-no-sentry.patch ... Passed
==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory...
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Extracting cura-5.3.0.tar.gz with bsdtar
==> Starting build()...
CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:8 (project):
  cmake_minimum_required() should be called prior to this top-level project()
  call.  Please see the cmake-commands(7) manual for usage documentation of
  both commands.
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 14.1.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 14.1.1
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Using CURA_BINARY_DATA_DIRECTORY from set of environment variables...
-- Found Gettext: /usr/bin/msgmerge (found version "0.22.5")
CMake Warning at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/UraniumTranslationTools.cmake:88 (message):

  Skipping to create i18n-create-po* targets...
Call Stack (most recent call first):

CMake Warning at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/UraniumTranslationTools.cmake:99 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):

-- Creating target i18n-update-po
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-cs_CZ
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-cs_CZ
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-de_DE
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-de_DE
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-es_ES
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-es_ES
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-fi_FI
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-fi_FI
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-fr_FR
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-fr_FR
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-hu_HU
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-hu_HU
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-it_IT
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-it_IT
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-ja_JP
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-ja_JP
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-ko_KR
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-ko_KR
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-nl_NL
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-nl_NL
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-pl_PL
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-pl_PL
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-pt_BR
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-pt_BR
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-pt_PT
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-pt_PT
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-ru_RU
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-ru_RU
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-tr_TR
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-tr_TR
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-zh_CN
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-zh_CN
-- Creating target i18n-update-po-zh_TW
-- Creating target i18n-create-mo-zh_TW
-- Configuring done (2.2s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
CMake Warning:
  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:


-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/pamac-build-zero/cura/src/Cura-5.3.0/build
Built target i18n-create-mo-cs_CZ
Built target i18n-create-mo-zh_TW
Built target i18n-create-mo-de_DE
Built target i18n-create-mo-es_ES
Built target i18n-create-mo-fi_FI
Built target i18n-create-mo-fr_FR
Built target i18n-create-mo-hu_HU
Built target i18n-create-mo-it_IT
Built target i18n-create-mo-ja_JP
Built target i18n-create-mo-ko_KR
Built target i18n-create-mo-nl_NL
Built target i18n-create-mo-pl_PL
Built target i18n-create-mo-pt_BR
Built target i18n-create-mo-pt_PT
Built target i18n-create-mo-ru_RU
Built target i18n-create-mo-tr_TR
Built target i18n-create-mo-zh_CN
Built target i18n-create-mo
==> Entering fakeroot environment...

It could be that you are on stable branch - AUR often requires unstable branch to build correctly.

I think you need to take a walk around the maintainer at AUR.

Cura has a lot of AUR dependencies which you may need to resolve manually.

I get a failed dependency arcus - could be a package got renamed - because I can only find package named libarcus.

Even so - you will only get it to build with some manual intervention.

As I see it you need to resolve these manually

==> Missing dependencies:
  -> python-pyqt5
  -> python-scipy
  -> python-numpy
  -> uranium
  -> curaengine
  -> libsavitar
  -> python-pynest2d
  -> python-keyring
  -> python-trimesh
  -> cura-resources-materials

You will get a cascading build failure using the PKGBUILD because

  • it depends on the custom uranium script
  • which if lagged out-of-date on 2023-05-11
  • which in turn depends on arcus
  • which in turn does not exist
 $ pamac info uranium
Name                  : uranium
Version               : 5.0.0-2
Description           : Python framework for building 3D printing related applications
URL                   :
Licenses              : LGPL
Repository            : AUR
Groups                : --
Depends On            : python qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 python-pyqt5 python-numpy arcus
                        python-shapely python-scipy python-cryptography python-certifi
Optional Dependencies : --
Make Dependencies     : cmake ninja
Check Dependencies    : mypy python-pytest python-twisted
Provides              : --
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : --
Maintainer            : None
First Submitted       : tor 01 sep 2022 21:33:03 CEST
Last Modified         : tor 01 sep 2022 21:33:03 CEST
Votes                 : 1
Out of Date           : tor 11 maj 2023 06:48:47 CEST
 $ pamac info arcus
Error: target not found: arcus

You need to install base-devel FIRST.

Use another AUR helper (yay, for example) - or use what is recommended:

install base-devel - it wasn’t installed, now it may be
it is a prerequisite for building AUR packages

as already said:
this package is marked as “out of date” - so, problems are to be expected, even if you where using ARCH - which you are not

Wait until the package is fixed at least for ARCH -
even then no guarantee that it will then build with Manjaro stable

If you can’t fix it … don’t use it.
Perhaps there is a flatpak or appimage - don’t know.

But then you can just as well use the -bin version (in my opinion).

you are trying to build 5.3.0-1
the binary package does not require compilation
and is version 5.8.0-1

yes, it has just been installed after “pamac build cura”, it is on the first rows

Forget it - you cannot make it build - see my comment above.

If you hunt down all the prerequites

  • then you may succeed
  • but it is manual labour
  • good luck


1 Like

Yes, I will look for an easier way.
Thank you all for your help :slight_smile:

exactly right

I don’t know the software - and thus of no reason to keep maintaining a lower version that what is otherwise available.

oh - you edited your post and now mine looks odd - oh well :man_shrugging:

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