Cups daemon in snap - config file path

Currently on a trial here to close ports opened for the cups daemon, latter one running in snap.
snap services indicate two cups-related daemons to be enabled and active.
Similarly ufw show listening reports port 631 opened by cupsd
as well as ss -tunlp
The aim is to close this port because locally here the only use-case is to print from this host to pdf files.

This is the point where troubles start to be encountered. No luck on finding cups snap config file at the paths commonly known, e.g. /snap/cups/...., ~/snap/.
If to try to disabled theses services
snap disable cups-browsed, or snap disable cups.cups-browsed, or the same for cupsd every time it results in error message “Unit cups-browsed is not installed”. Similar results when systemctl status is used.
According to `pacman -Qi’ neither cups, cupsd nor the cups-browsed package is installed however cups and cups-browsed present on repository.

ps -p 886 -o comm,args discloses snap path:
/var/snap/cups/common/etc/cups/cupsd.conf which eventually has short lifetime. On another hand this config file has line which sets the port number.
Where may be its long-term original?
The impression arises that paths used by snap daemon are Manjaro-specific.

Due to the fact that cups-browsed service is active it is the feeling this service to be responsible for listening on port 631.

Manjaro 25.0.0. stable.