Create an app launcher for Whatsapp Desktop on Manjaro XFCE

Hello there, I have made a couple of mistakes installing and uninstalling apps for WhatsApp. After uninstalling on the XFCE launcher editor popup a message of non active apps launchers, so i delete it…
Now, im installing again one of the app for Whatsapp, and dont create me the shortcut at the XFCE Menu… trying to set a new shortcut but i can not finde where is it, anda what is the command order.

I can run it, from the add software program… but cant find where is the app.

Could someone help me with the command line for the app?


I presume Whatsapp came from the AUR. You could try building another version, instead. I have found the following possibilities:

Otherwise, it seems like it might be a packaging issue. I suggest contacting the package maintainer. A reminder that use of the AUR is unsupported on Manjaro (or Arch). For those who absolutely must use a package from the AUR, switching to the Unstable branch is usually recommended.


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No, this is a snap. There is no such aur package. Sorry, i am not familiar with snaps, i avoid them like plague :slight_smile:

Anyways, why don’t you just use the webapp? Seems this snap is nothing more anyway.


Well, there are the ones I’ve linked to. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the replies, i wil answer myself…
i was trying to find the executable file or bin, but didnt get it. Searchin through File Explorer Thunar didnt get it… or that was what I thought.
Thunar dont show nothing, so i get myself to this forum… but when i go back to close the window, there was a lot of files and folders for my search…

And I found what i was searchin for, the folder where was the binary.
Finally i could create the launcher for the app.
Captura de pantalla_2024-12-06_16-20-34

I will not delete the post, so, if somebody get similar problem could try this to solve the problem.

Thanks folks


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