When I lock the desktop and the machine has been idling the CPU temperature is around 33degreesC. I lock the desktop and return after hours. After unlocking the desktop the CPU temperature is nearly 60degreesC. Immediately after unlocking the machine the temperature starts to return to the mid to low 30s. On occasion I have returned to the machine when it hasn’t really being doing anything and the machine is running hot with the internal fan going.
The machine is running MongoDB and MiniDLNA daemons but no DB or DLNA activity had been happening.
I would expect the machine to not use much CPU when idling?
Some background process has started when it sees the computer idle I guess. Maybe Baloo? You can try disabling or restricting what it indexes from System Settings → Search → File Search.
Well some process is using the cpu on the lock screen, just need to find out what it is. When you see it happening do CTRL+ALT+F3 for a new tty, login there and run top.
2177 paul 20 0 3062276 308260 175740 R 63.5 2.2 9,26 kwin_x11
838 root 20 0 1362184 205988 134640 S 56.5 1.4 7,45 Xorg
2174 paul 20 0 1171412 100416 75620 S 17.6 0.7 128:30.24 ksmserver
These processes are using the CPU when the screen is locked and the KVM switch is looking at another device. I’m not sure why they would be using so much CPU when the machine is not really being used.
This is really quite a serious problem. Why does locking the workstation cause it to heat up and the fan to come on? Unlock the workstation and it goes back to normal. I like Manjaro but might have to switch to another Linux distribution.
Then it is with the utmost certainty the result of the fact that you’re using a KVM switch. All of the processes you are listing are related to the user interface.
What you could try is switch to Wayland, but there’s no guarantee that it won’t be the same there.