Connecting to a network location

Hi. I have a Seagate external drive connected to my home network to store photos, music, and backups. On my file manager, the different accounts show up when I go to my network places

When I click on any of the icons, I get icons that represent the different accounts I have on the Seagate drive:

But when I try to connect to any of the accounts, I get these errors:

and then

How do I fix these errors? Thanks very much.

Most likely this “Personal Cloud” only supports SMBv1, which is disabled by default for security reasons.

Upgrade the protocol on the PersonalCloud or use another connection protocol, like FTPS, WebDAV or NFS.

If you don’t care, then add client min protocol = NT1 to /etc/samba/smb.conf so that gvfs-smb enables this protocol version. Search the forum for more information.

So I solved the problem by using the Nautilus file manager, which gave me the ability to connect to a server I designated, and then used smb protocol to connect to the ip address of the network drive. Connected fine, and then also the connection showed up on the Thunar file manager. May not be the most elegant way to do it but it worked.

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