Conky on Wayland

Does anyone have a working conky running on Sway? If so, are you willing to share it? TIA

I have Three Conkys on Hyprland and Qtile (Wayland), so it may work on Sway wm. To use Conky on wayland, add these two lines on your Conky script.

conky.config = {
out_to_x = false,
out_to_wayland = true,

Change own_window_type to ‘override’ ( own_window_type = ‘override’,)

If you add these lines, Conky will works on Wayland without any issue. But Conky will not load on Xorg . I am using a panel Conky with all necessary widget, a dock Conky for detailed system information and a keybinding Conky to show all keyboard shortcuts, Manjaro announcements and Calendar.

dock conky:-
Install screenfetch, sed, grep, curl and jq.

Conky graphs(cpugraph, network upspeedgraph and downspeedgraph) are not working on wayland, so I removed it. Removing Conky graphs will reduce Cpu usage

 conky.config = {
    out_to_x = false,
    out_to_wayland = true,
	alignment = 'middle_right',
	background = true,
	update_interval = 1,

	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	net_avg_samples = 2,

	override_utf8_locale = true,

	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,

--text_buffer_size 10240
	imlib_cache_size = 0,

-- Windows #
	own_window_class = 'dock',
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'override',
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 85,
	own_window_transparent = false,
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',

	border_inner_margin = 0,
	border_outer_margin = 0,

	minimum_width = 380, minimum_height = 400,
	maximum_width = 380,

-- Graphics #
	draw_shades = false,
	draw_outline = false,
	draw_borders = false,
	draw_graph_borders = false,

-- Text #
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.8,
	font = 'Sans:size=12',

	uppercase = false,

	default_color = '#00FF40',
	show_graph_scale = false,
    show_graph_range = false,

-- Code #
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	gap_x = 1,
	gap_y = 1,

conky.text = [[
${voffset -10}${color FFFFFF}${font DejaVu Sans Mono:size=2}${execi 130000 screenfetch -L -N  | sed 's/^/\t/' | sed 's/ *$//'}${color 00FF40}
${color FFFFFF}${font Roboto:size=28}${voffset -68}${offset 90}${exec lsb_release -d | cut -f 2| tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"}${color 00FF40}
${font Roboto Condensed:size=12}${voffset -10}${offset 80}Edition: ${color FFA500}${font Roboto Condensed:size=11}${execi 130000 awk -F= '/ID=/{printf $2" "} /RELEASE=/{printf $2" "} /NAME=/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release}
${color FFA500}${voffset -5}$hr$
${color 00FF40}${font Roboto Condensed:size=12}Processor: ${color }${alignr 6}${execi 130000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | cut -c 14-18 | uniq} ${execi 130000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | cut -c 23-26 | uniq} ${execi 130000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | cut -c 32-39 | uniq} ${execi 130000 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | cut -c 45-51 | uniq}
${alignc}${machine}${color FFA500} @ $freq(MHz)${color 00FF40}
System Errors:  ${color FFA500}${if_match "0" < "${execpi 3600 systemctl --failed | grep 'listed' | cut -d' ' -f1}"}${endif}$alignr ${execpi 3600 systemctl --failed | grep 'listed' | cut -d' ' -f1}  failed ${color 00FF40}
Branch: ${color FFA500}${execi 130000 cat /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf | grep -i "Branch =" | sed -E "s/(# )*Branch = //g"}
${voffset -5}${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
${voffset }Kernel: ${color FFA500}${kernel}${color 00FF40}
${voffset -5}${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
Uptime: ${color FFA500}$uptime_short${color 00FF40}
#Power: ${color FFA500}${battery_percent BAT0}%${color 00FF40}
#Local IP: ${color FFA500}${addr eno1}${color 00FF40}
${voffset -5}${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
RAM: ${color FFA500}$mem / $memmax$alignr${color 00FF40}$memperc% ${membar 10}{color 00FF40}
Swap: ${color FFA500}${swap} / ${swapfree}${color 00FF40} $swapperc% ${swapbar 10}
#CPU: ${color FFA500}${cpu cpu0}%${color 00FF40}${alignr}${color 00FF40}${cpugraph 18,200}${color 00FF40}
CPU: ${color FFA500}${cpu cpu0}%${color 00FF40}
${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
# Signal: ${color FFA500}${wireless_link_qual eno1}%${color 00FF40}
#${font Roboto Condensed:size=12.2} Upload: ${color FFA500}${upspeed eno1}${color 00FF40}${alignr}${upspeedgraph eno1 18,150 00FF40 00FF40}
${font Roboto Condensed:size=12.2} Upload: ${color FFA500}${upspeed eno1}${color 00FF40}
${offset 40}Total Sent: ${color FFA500}${totalup eno1}${color 00FF40}
#${font Roboto Condensed:size=12.2} Download: ${color FFA500}${downspeed eno1}${color 00FF40}${alignr}${downspeedgraph eno1 18,150 00FF40 00FF40}
${font Roboto Condensed:size=12.2} Download: ${color FFA500}${downspeed eno1}${color 00FF40}
${offset 40}Total Received: ${color FFA500}${totaldown eno1}${color 00FF40}
${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
Home: ${color FFA500}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}${alignr}${color 00FF40}${fs_used_perc /home}% ${fs_bar 10,100 /}
${offset 55}${color FFA500}${fs_free /} free${color 00FF40}
${voffset 5}${color FFA500}Read: $color${diskio_read}$alignr${color FFA500}Write: $color${diskio_write}
${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
${color 00FF40}Process ${color 00FF40}${alignr}CPU%
${color FFA500}${top name 1}${alignr}${top cpu 1}
${color FFA500}${top name 2}${alignr}${top cpu 2}
${color FFA500}${top name 3}${alignr}${top cpu 3}
${color FFA500}${top name 4}${alignr}${top cpu 4}
${color FFA500}${top name 5}${alignr}${top cpu 5}
#${color FFA500}${top name 6}${alignr}${top cpu 6} 
${color FFA500}$hr${color 00FF40}
${color 00FF40}Process ${color 00FF40}${alignr}RAM
${color FFA500}${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 1}
${color FFA500}${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 2}
${color FFA500}${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 3}
${color FFA500}${top_mem name 4}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 4}
${color FFA500}${top_mem name 5}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 5}
#${color FFA500}${top_mem name 6}${alignr}${top_mem mem_res 6}

1 Like

Thank you, conky now almost works for me… Sadly conky still does not display simple text on the right side of my screen but it does show glyphs. On the left side, it shows everything, so I had to jam my two (2) conkies into a single conky. Here is what works only on the left side of the screen.

Proof of life image:

Here’s the code:

# Based on Oberon's fine work on i3wm-Manjaro
# Add'l Color, functional and branding changes were made by 
# Mark Rabideau (ManyRoads)
# in order to work, this conky requires the installation
# of pamixer in order to report sound volume correctly.
# REMEMBER to change the location of scripts, devices, wifi, etc.
# to match those used on your environment(s)
# you also need appropriate glyph fonts like Nerd Fonts
# fontawesome, etc. in order for the glyphs to present correctly
conky.config = {
	alignment = 'top_left',
	update_interval = 1,
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'override',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	out_to_x = false,
    out_to_wayland = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 85,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	background = true,
	color2 = '#EBDBB2',
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	default_color = '#458588',
	double_buffer = true,
	font = 'Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11',
	draw_shades = false,
	gap_x = 35,
	gap_y = -5,
	minimum_width = 280,
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.8,
conky.text = [[
${voffset 8}$color2${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=18}${time %A}$font\
${voffset 0}$alignr$color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=30}${time %e}$font
$color${voffset -30}$color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=18}${time %b}$font\
${voffset -1} $color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=18}${time %Y}$font$color2 $hr
${voffset 0}$alignr${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=16}${color}$alignr${execi 86400 env | grep '^DESKTOP_SESSION' | cut -d'=' -f2-} / ${alignr}$nodename${font}
#${voffset 0}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}$alignr${color2}${execi 999999 echo '. /etc/os-release ; echo $PRETTY_NAME' | sh}
#### Application Keybindings
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Application Keybindings $hr ${font}
${goto 40}${voffset 5}${color2}abiword $alignr${color}[alt]+[a]
${goto 40}${color2}text editor $alignr${color}[alt]+[e]
${goto 40}${color2}file manager $alignr${color}[alt]+[f]
${goto 40}${color2}geany $alignr${color}[]+[g]
${goto 40}${color2}gnumeric $alignr${color}[alt]+[g]
${goto 40}${color2}eMail $alignr${color}[alt]+[m]
${goto 40}${color2}skype $alignr${color}[alt]+[s]
${goto 40}${color2}telegram $alignr${color}[alt]+[t]
${goto 40}${color2}virtualbox $alignr${color}[alt]+[v]
${goto 40}${color2}web browser $alignr${color}[alt]+[w]
${goto 40}${color2}zim $alignr${color}[alt]+[z]
${goto 40}${color2}zoom $alignr${color}[]+[z]
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}System Tools $hr ${font}
${goto 40}${color2}reload waybar $alignr${color}[]+[shft]+w
${goto 40}${color2}reload $alignr${color}[]+[shft]+c
${goto 40}${color2}system monitors $alignr${color}[]+F3
${goto 40}${color2}system maint. $alignr${color}[]+F4
${goto 40}${color2}active apps $alignr${color}[alt]+[tab]
${goto 40}${color2}change wallpaper $alignr${color}[alt]+n
${goto 40}${color2}open fuzzel $alignr${color}[]+d
${goto 40}${color2}open rofi $alignr${color}[alt]+j
${voffset 5}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Tiling $hr ${font}
${goto 40}${color2}next/prev workspace $alignr${color}[alt]+[< >]
${goto 40}${color2}jump to workspace $alignr${color}[]+[1-9]
${goto 40}${color2}move window $alignr${color}[]+[shft]+[jkl;]
${goto 40}${color2}move workspaces $alignr${color}[]+[ctrl]+[< >]
${goto 40}${color2}toggle floating $alignr${color}[]+f
${goto 40}${color2}split horz. direction $alignr${color}[]+b
${goto 40}${color2}split vert. direction $alignr${color}[]+v
${goto 40}${color2}layout stacking $alignr${color}[]+s
${goto 40}${color2}layout tabbed $alignr${color}[]+w
${voffset 5}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}Workspace:[]+ $hr ${font}
$alignr${color2}1:   2:   3:   4:  5:  
$alignr${color2}6:  7:  8:   9:   10:  
#### Performance
${voffset 5}$color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}CPU Performance $hr ${font}
${goto 40}$font$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 3}$alignr$color${top cpu 3}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 4}$alignr$color${top cpu 4}%
${goto 40}$color2${top name 5}$alignr$color${top cpu 5}%
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}RAM Performance$alignr$mem$font
${goto 40}${voffset 5}$color2${top_mem name 1}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 1}
${goto 40}$color2${top_mem name 2}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 2}
${goto 40}$color2${top_mem name 3}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 3}
${goto 40}$color2${top_mem name 4}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 4}
${goto 40}$color2${top_mem name 5}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 5}
#${voffset 5}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}System Status $hr ${font}
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Vol. ${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}${alignr}${execi 2 pamixer --get-volume-human}
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Disk ${font FontAwesome:size=11}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}${alignr}${fs_used /home/mark} of ${fs_size /home/mark} / ${fs_used_perc /home/mark}%
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Dropbox ${font FontAwesome:size=11}${alignr}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}${exec dropbox status | sed -n 1p | tr -d "\"\`'" } 
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Wifi ${color2}${font FontAwesome:size=11} ${alignr}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${wireless_essid wlp0s20f3} ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp0s20f3}% 
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Download ${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}  ${alignr}${color}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${downspeedf wlp0s20f3}KB/s
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Quit/ Exit $hr ${font}
${goto 40}${color2}kill focused $alignr${color}[]+[ctrl]+q
${goto 40}${color2}exit $alignr${color}[]+q
#${voffset 0}${alignr}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Init: ${color}${execi 86400 .$Home/.local/share/scripts/}
${voffset 0}${alignr}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}uptime: ${color}${execi 1 uptime | awk -F, '{sub(".*up ",x,$1);print $1 $2}'}
${voffset 0}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${alignr}kernel: ${color}${kernel}
${goto 40}$hr

#### Quit

I dumped conky when I went to sway.

A good status bar (I use py3status) and a few bindsyms and I totally replicated everything I used conky for.

Sadly, I need the keybindings readily viewable/accessible. Panel bars simply don’t meet my use-case. But then I’m old, cranky and very fussy. As panel bars go, I actually find Waybar adequate to my needs in that realm.

Removed " ${goto 40} " from the conkyrc. Now it is working.

# Based on Oberon's fine work on i3wm-Manjaro
# Add'l Color, functional and branding changes were made by 
# Mark Rabideau (ManyRoads)
# in order to work, this conky requires the installation
# of pamixer in order to report sound volume correctly.
# REMEMBER to change the location of scripts, devices, wifi, etc.
# to match those used on your environment(s)
# you also need appropriate glyph fonts like Nerd Fonts
# fontawesome, etc. in order for the glyphs to present correctly
conky.config = {
	alignment = 'top_left',
	update_interval = 1,
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'override',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	out_to_x = false,
    out_to_wayland = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 85,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	background = true,
	color2 = '#EBDBB2',
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	default_color = '#458588',
	double_buffer = true,
	font = 'Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11',
	draw_shades = false,
	gap_x = 35,
	gap_y = -5,
	minimum_width = 280,
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.8,
conky.text = [[
${voffset 8}$color2${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=18}${time %A}$font\
${voffset 0}$alignr$color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=30}${time %e}$font
$color${voffset -30}$color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=18}${time %b}$font\
${voffset -1} $color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=18}${time %Y}$font$color2 $hr
${voffset 0}$alignr${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=16}${color}$alignr${execi 86400 env | grep '^DESKTOP_SESSION' | cut -d'=' -f2-} / ${alignr}$nodename${font}
#${voffset 0}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}$alignr${color2}${execi 999999 echo '. /etc/os-release ; echo $PRETTY_NAME' | sh}
#### Application Keybindings
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Application Keybindings $hr ${font}
${voffset 5}${color2}abiword $alignr${color}[alt]+[a]
${color2}text editor $alignr${color}[alt]+[e]
${color2}file manager $alignr${color}[alt]+[f]
${color2}geany $alignr${color}[]+[g]
${color2}gnumeric $alignr${color}[alt]+[g]
${color2}eMail $alignr${color}[alt]+[m]
${color2}skype $alignr${color}[alt]+[s]
${color2}telegram $alignr${color}[alt]+[t]
${color2}virtualbox $alignr${color}[alt]+[v]
${color2}web browser $alignr${color}[alt]+[w]
${color2}zim $alignr${color}[alt]+[z]
${color2}zoom $alignr${color}[]+[z]
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}System Tools $hr ${font}
${color2}reload waybar $alignr${color}[]+[shft]+w
${color2}reload $alignr${color}[]+[shft]+c
${color2}system monitors $alignr${color}[]+F3
${color2}system maint. $alignr${color}[]+F4
${color2}active apps $alignr${color}[alt]+[tab]
${color2}change wallpaper $alignr${color}[alt]+n
${color2}open fuzzel $alignr${color}[]+d
${color2}open rofi $alignr${color}[alt]+j
${voffset 5}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Tiling $hr ${font}
${color2}next/prev workspace $alignr${color}[alt]+[< >]
${color2}jump to workspace $alignr${color}[]+[1-9]
${color2}move window $alignr${color}[]+[shft]+[jkl;]
${color2}move workspaces $alignr${color}[]+[ctrl]+[< >]
${color2}toggle floating $alignr${color}[]+f
${color2}split horz. direction $alignr${color}[]+b
${color2}split vert. direction $alignr${color}[]+v
${color2}layout stacking $alignr${color}[]+s
${color2}layout tabbed $alignr${color}[]+w
${voffset 5}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}Workspace:[]+ $hr ${font}
$alignr${color2}1:   2:   3:   4:  5:  
$alignr${color2}6:  7:  8:   9:   10:  
#### Performance
${voffset 5}$color${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}CPU Performance $hr ${font}
$font$color2${top name 1}$alignr$color${top cpu 1}%
$color2${top name 2}$alignr$color${top cpu 2}%
$color2${top name 3}$alignr$color${top cpu 3}%
$color2${top name 4}$alignr$color${top cpu 4}%
$color2${top name 5}$alignr$color${top cpu 5}%
${voffset 10}${goto 40}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}RAM Performance$alignr$mem$font
${voffset 5}$color2${top_mem name 1}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 1}
$color2${top_mem name 2}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 2}
$color2${top_mem name 3}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 3}
$color2${top_mem name 4}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 4}
$color2${top_mem name 5}$alignr$color${top_mem mem_res 5}
#${voffset 5}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}System Status $hr ${font}
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Vol. ${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}${alignr}${execi 2 pamixer --get-volume-human}
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Disk ${font FontAwesome:size=11}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}${alignr}${fs_used /home/mark} of ${fs_size /home/mark} / ${fs_used_perc /home/mark}%
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Dropbox ${font FontAwesome:size=11}${alignr}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}${exec dropbox status | sed -n 1p | tr -d "\"\`'" } 
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Wifi ${color2}${font FontAwesome:size=11} ${alignr}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${wireless_essid wlp0s20f3} ${wireless_link_qual_perc wlp0s20f3}% 
#${voffset 0}${goto 40}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Download ${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}  ${alignr}${color}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${downspeedf wlp0s20f3}KB/s
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Quit/ Exit $hr ${font}
${color2}kill focused $alignr${color}[]+[ctrl]+q
${color2}exit $alignr${color}[]+q
#${voffset 0}${alignr}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Init: ${color}${execi 86400 .$Home/.local/share/scripts/}
${voffset 0}${alignr}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}uptime: ${color}${execi 1 uptime | awk -F, '{sub(".*up ",x,$1);print $1 $2}'}
${voffset 0}${color2}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${alignr}kernel: ${color}${kernel}
${goto 40}$hr

#### Quit
1 Like

So boys & girls… I have sway now running to my liking, thanks to your help. I have remove some of the manjaro-sway functions like desktop help and replaced it with conkies. I have, also, redone the menuing to utilize both fuzzel & rofi (dmenu). Here’s a proof of life image of the basic desktop running three workspaces.

Here’s one of my conkies… for any who might wish to see what these look like.

# Based on Oberon's fine work on i3wm-Manjaro
# Add'l Color, functional and branding changes were made by 
# Mark Rabideau (ManyRoads)
# REMEMBER to change the location of scripts, devices, wifi, etc.
# to match those used on your environment(s)
# you also need appropriate glyph fonts like Nerd Fonts
# fontawesome, etc. in order for the glyphs to present correctly
conky.config = {
	alignment = 'bottom_left',
	update_interval = 1,
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'override',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',
	out_to_x = false,
    out_to_wayland = true,

	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 85,
	own_window_colour = '#000000',

	background = true,
	color2 = '#EBDBB2',
	cpu_avg_samples = 2,
	default_color = '#458588',
	double_buffer = true,
	font = 'Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11',
	draw_shades = false,
	gap_x = 35,
	gap_y = 80,
	minimum_width = 280,
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.8,
conky.text = [[
${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=20}${alignr}${color2}${execi 86400 env | echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP} / ${alignr}$nodename${font}
#### Systems Tools  
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}System Tools $hr ${font}
${color2}reload waybar ${alignr}${color}[]+[shft]+w
${color2}reload ${alignr}${color}[]+[shft]+c
${color2}system monitors ${alignr}${color}[]+F3
${color2}system maint. ${alignr}${color}[]+F4
${color2}active apps ${alignr}${color}[alt]+[tab]
${color2}change wallpaper ${alignr}${color}[alt]+n
#${color2}toggle menubar ${alignr}${color}[]+b
${color2}open fuzzel ${alignr}${color}[]+d
${color2}open rofi ${alignr}${color}[alt]+j
${voffset 5}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Tiling $hr ${font}
${color2}next/prev workspace ${alignr}${color}[alt]+[< >]
${color2}jump to workspace ${alignr}${color}[]+[1-9]
${color2}move window ${alignr}${color}[]+[shft]+[jkl;]
${color2}move workspaces ${alignr}${color}[]+[ctrl]+[< >]
${color2}toggle floating ${alignr}${color}[]+f
${color2}split horz. direction ${alignr}${color}[]+b
${color2}split vert. direction ${alignr}${color}[]+v
${color2}layout stacking ${alignr}${color}[]+s
${color2}layout tabbed ${alignr}${color}[]+w
${voffset 5}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}${color}Workspace:[]+ $hr ${font}
${alignr}${color2}1:   2:   3:   4:  5:  
${alignr}${color2}6:  7:  8:   9:   10:  
#### Quit
${voffset 10}${color}${font Iosevka Nerd Font:size=11}Quit/ Exit $hr ${font}
${color2}kill focused ${alignr}${color}[]+[ctrl]+q
${color2}exit ${alignr}${color}[]+q
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I wanted to explore fuzzel as a replacement for rofi - why are you using both, may I ask? The only reason not to use fuzzel so far have been concerns that fuzzel does not allow “clicking” and thus may be irritating for new users.

Fuzzel works fine for me. I like it better than rofi for simple menu handling. As for “clicking” are referring to item selection with a mouse, it does not provide that feature. But then I use a tiler because I prefer to minimize mouse use. It’s just a personal preference.

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