Congratulations for the new website

In the meantime you all can use @papajoke 's excellent tool called manjaro-check-repos for comparing branches.


You can just head to is website ā†’



The config file /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf from the package networkmanager was preinstalled by default.

But this config shows:


This URI is queried by each device on the internet and checks if the connection works. But this URI path name does not exist.

There is an explanation what is checking connectivity:

My question:

  • Will you fix ?


  • Change the default URI in /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf?

It works for meā€¦

But it is redirected to HTTP status 404 in this URL and shows Manjaro main page but not network checking page for the example like showing ā€œOKā€

Iā€™m confused. Iā€™m not sure what are you referring to. Address correctly returns a HTTP status of 200 and the content:
NetworkManager is online

As for it returns the Nginx default page. It would be nice that it returns maybe the same message as the other endpoint, but that is just a ā€œcosmeticā€ issue.

Edit: Now I got it. You are using https instead of httpā€¦

You are right.

Website looks great. Are these the new brand colours? Will they also feature in distro, merch and forum branding?

Why have books white background and dark colored text? Cause you can read it better. Dark background with white fonts are very unfavorable for human eyes.

Sorry guys, but in my opinion the website is not good.

Everything too big, trying to make it ā€œcompatibleā€ for kiddies or Lusers or Smartphone Users.

Itā€™s not what I could like.

Maybe, but still white background website is disgusting to my eyes and to the eyes of many.

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i would advise against turning this into a dark mode vs light mode thread. that has already been debated and answered elsewhere on the web. (it seems that light-mode users are a small minority amongst tech-savy individuals 1, 2).

with that being the case, many sites are adopting built-in dark modes, at least as an option. sites are also adopting automatic toggling via the prefers-color-scheme css preference, which picks light or dark mode based on what the user has defined elsewhere (like system theme).

it would be nice if the manjaro site supported that, but not strictly a requirement. for anyone using Dark Reader, the best settings iā€™ve found are: Dynamic or Off (with built-in dark mode) for the forum (this needs to be set first to differentiate from the main site), and static for the main site (the top is a bit brighter, but tolerable, and the rest of the page is dark). make sure you set ā€œOnly for {site}ā€ to have different settings between the two.

It gives less information than the previous one, about updates! Enough said. Love you guys otherwise.