Just noticed that https://manjaro.org has a new face. Congratulations for this. I always thought that the old website was not very friendly to the users.
On the technical note, I myself, would have chose the same stack. Wagtail is very handy and I can’t see myself doing any web development without Tailwindcss!
I know this is personal opinion, the only negative thing I found in the new website is that it can feel a little bit “overwhelming”, in the sense, that almost everything has a visual effect, even normal text paragraphs! In my opinion, that’s a no no in UI/UX.
I think the same as the others, best web design I’ve seen so far, functional to the maximum, everything at hand in one click, anyone can now even find without problems the unofficial flavors, also buy a new pc or at least entertain yourself with the new hardware.
my congratulations also from spain
I also think the visual effects are a bit overwhelming and the green might be a little bit too aggressive(or maybe thats just a temporary impression for my tired eyes), but I really really like the new Downlad Page.
Looks easy to understand etc. what I am missing though is a Downlad button on the main page(Maybe just a redirect button to the Downladpage but centered), though I am not sure how much it was tested on newbys. But Downloading Linux is unfortunately most of the times I noticed the first “point of failure”, so this is already a great improvement.
Probably not, but is there any way I can give a hand with that? I have more or less experience with Python, databases, HTTP requests and Django (and also HTML, CSS and JS, of course)
At the moment branch compare is a bunch of bash scripts with cron jobs, that I don’t like but it works, so the plan is to move it to a subdomain with a slight redesign for now, until there is time to port that to wagtail, thanks for offering help is always welcome, I will speak with the team and get back to you.
Branch compare currently gets a 404, but it will come back in some form, in the near future?
From the end-user perspective, it was a helpful resource that answered Support-type questions without the need to ask on the forum, thus saving Manjaro’s and the user’s time.