Conflicts during for update

I already answered you above.

And there are multiple threads with very similar situations. I must guess you are refusing to do your own leg work.

Lucky for you I am bored.

Explanation again:

Because in your web of unnecessary packages you now also have entirely unsupported packages that do not exist in the repos or the AUR.
Its not really that big of a deal… you just need to take some time to remove them.

Theres also a few that are deprecated and in the AUR for now, but you shouldnt have them

It looks like after puttering around with inxi for no apparent reason you did remove a few packages.
So I will skip them here…

At this point maybe its just the kipi stuff left?
I cant tell because the removals were kinda random, and some of the output is missing.

sudo pacman -Rns libkipi kipi-plugins

Then continue;

sudo pacman -Syuu

Of course share output if there are errors.

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