Conflict Warning

Can we all drop the “you stated you were using Arch not Manjaro” thing. It’s not helpful, I argue it hurts more than helping tbh.

There were mistakes made on both sides.

  • System info was not provided by OP leading to confusion.
  • Responses, even after clarifying it was a miscommunication from OP, kept being ppl keep talking about how Manjaro != Arch or how “other communities would react”

Important notes:

  • Manjaro is NOT arch
  • Pamac is provided from the manjaro repos.
  • Manjaros repositories are to be used with pamac.
  • Pamac CAN use AUR, at YOUR OWN RISK.
  • If you are hellbent on using AUR using unstable branch is your best choice.

Now, with that info, is @mtbdrew satisfied with the answers?
Then a push on the “solution” button would in the post that helped you would be great.

And if other questions exists that is NOT in connection to what the headline states “conflict warning” then create a new thread (after first searching for a solution, MOST things has a “root tip” or a wiki) in the correct forum.
Post info so ppl will be able to help you out immediately instead of having to ask questions and I promise you the responses will be helpful.

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