And with that you removed a lot of other components required…
Your system was flawed the moment you mixed KDE Plasma with Deepin.
Yet you did it in a 9 minutes interval from your first post.
Look inside /var/log/pacman.log
and reinstall the removed packages except the Deepin ones.
Probably this will help from TTY (if you have access to it) either booting in runlevel 3, or:
sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu plasma-desktop sddm qt5-base gtk2 gtk3
If that will not work, do it from a USB install and chroot into your installed system.
Original author on old forum @AlManja
If you are stuck and you can’t log into your system, use one of these steps below. They are sorted from easiest at the top. Start with the first step and if it doesn’t work, try with the next one and so on…
Once you get access to the system, then proceed with updating the system or installing/removing packages, checking log files… Steps (you only need one) are:
log to tty terminal
boot without X
chroot auto (with manjaro-chroot)
chroot (with manjaro-chro…
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
Post original authored by Heart-Of-A-Lion
Some of you might have had it happen, a Linux installation on your computer that breaks after installing certain software, after installing updates or after editing a configuration file.
Sometimes you mess up so bad, that the entire system doesn’t boot past Grub or doesn’t even boot Grub itself if you messed around with its configuration files.
So what can you do when you really messed up big time?
What if you didn’t make that Clon…
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