Short & sweet question, when I adjust things, it doesn’t effect the whole screen. What am I doing wrong?
What are you trying to adjust ?
There are different aspects to the theming in the Plasma desktop environment:
- The Plasma theme affects the panels and widgets only.
- The window decoration affects the title bar, the title bar buttons and the window border.
- The application style affects only what is visible inside the application window — i.e. the toolbar(s) and the scrollbar. This section also allows you to choose a matching
theme. - The icon theme affects all icons throughout the environment.
- The cursor theme affects the mouse pointers only.
- The global theme contains and specifies everything — even the wallpaper — although you can choose which parts it must implement and which parts it mustn’t.
Note 1: Some global themes come with a kvantum
component, although kvantum
themes can also be used independently from the global theme. kvantum
is an alternative theme engine for the application style — it does not affect anything else, and it does not follow the chosen color scheme, because it’s SVG-based.
In order to use a kvantum
theme, you must install kvantum
from the repository. This is the Kvantum Manager. It comes with a whole variety of built-in themes, but you can download additional kvantum
themes from They come as compressed archives. You must then extract them in your home directory somewhere and point the Kvantum Manager at the directory where you unpacked the archive. You can then further tweak individual aspects of the kvantum
theme from within the Kvantum Manager.
Note 2: Plasma and all of the KDE-specific components are built upon the qt
widget libraries. Some applications are however built using the gtk
widget libraries — and for that matter, there are differences between gtk2
, gtk3
and gtk4
Themes for qt
have no effect on gtk
applications, nor do gtk
themes have any effect on qt
-based applications. The Breeze theme however attempts to give gtk
a similar look & feel to qt
, but it’s not a 1:1 match, because the gtk
developers are notorious for their solipsistic world view.
If you are using a kvantum
theme, then the colors are defined by the theme, and then you cannot change hem, except by installing another kvantum
theme or returning to the Breeze theme, in which case you can change the individual colors.
Oh, Breeze dark then. Yes, a little confusing. You mean just Breeze Dark in Colors right?
You’re quite right.
That little window (so carefully cropped) is the colour scheme editor.
You can edit those colours, and you can save the edited scheme ‘Save As…’ with a new name (e.g. Card).
But after saving an exiting that window, you must also select and apply the colours in the Colours window.
If there is any issue you can describe more specifically, I’m here to try to understand.
Additionally, if you give EASY names (like ‘Card’) to your colorscheme, it is easy to apply them.
❯ plasma-apply-colorscheme Card
Successfully applied the colour scheme Card to your current Plasma session
❯ plasma-apply-colorscheme Comfort
Successfully applied the colour scheme Comfort to your current Plasma session
No, first you have to set the application style to Breeze, and then you can tweak the Breeze Dark color scheme.
Any vids. on it?
I don’t really think so - but it really isn’t hard to do.
Start by getting the colours open in krunner:
kcmshell6 kcm_colors
Then click to edit Breeze_Dark
Click ‘Save As…’ and type ‘Edward-Dark’.
Now you have a copy of Breeze-dark you can edit.
Some good tools - to pick colours (from images etc) the plasmoid ‘color picker’.
Here I picked the colour of an icon theme, and pasted that colour into the ‘View Text’ - so now my ‘View Text’ is blue.
I do, but nothing seems to happen.
Did you select the colour scheme (e.g. Ed-Marbles) and click Apply
Perhaps this the point of your original post?
- The ‘Disabled’ tab in the KColorSchemeEditor is used to edit the color scheme for disabled interface elements in KDE Plasma. This includes elements such as disabled buttons, text input boxes, and other interactive elements that are currently not available for use.
In this tab, you can adjust the colors used for disabled elements, allowing you to customize the appearance of your desktop environment. The ‘Disabled’ tab is one of the three tabs available in the KColorSchemeEditor, along with the ‘Colors’ and ‘Options’ tabs.
- By modifying the colors in the ‘Disabled’ tab, you can create a consistent visual theme throughout your KDE Plasma desktop, making it easier to distinguish between active and inactive elements. This can be particularly useful for users who want to create a customized and accessible desktop environment.
It’s worth noting that the ‘Disabled’ tab is part of the color scheme editing process, which allows you to customize various aspects of the KDE Plasma interface, including the colors used for different elements, such as views, windows, buttons, and tooltips.
So it doesn’t change the active parts, ok.
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