
Hi everyone, I have installed Cleanupdate from here,

I made cleanupdate executable and put the file inside the .script folder along with the package icon. I edited the cleanupdate.desktop file as below:

Desktop Entry]
Version = 0.8.1
Name = cleanupdate
Type = Application
Comment = Clean and Update System
Comment [en] = Updates and cleans the system
Terminal = true
Exec = gnome-terminal /home/eduardolp3/.script/cleanupdate
Icon = / home / eduardolp3 / .script / cleanupdate.svg
Categories = ConsoleOnly; System;
GenericName = System Maintenance Helper
GenericName [en] = System Maintenance
Keywords = system; update; clean;
Keywords [it] = system; updates; cleaning;

When I click on the cleanupdate icon in the System Tools menu, the Terminal starts and not the software. Where am I wrong?

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

Remove all the spaces. See the upstream desktop file as an example:

… and this is not how you make sure that gnome-terminal is used -
it might even be that … just the first command (gnome-terminal) is executed, not anything after
you want just the command to start your script

I wrote as Yochanan wrote,

Exec = cleanupdate
Icon = cleanupdate

but it does not work.

No you didn’t. You need to remove the spaces…

I ask your forgiveness but I don’t understand which spaces.

Instead of

to be

but for all the lines in the desktopfile … no space between name and = and command

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Maybe it was a copy / paste problem, the spaces you see don’t exist, in the script it’s like this:

Exec=gnome-terminal /home/eduardolp3/.script/cleanupdate

then it may indeed be like i said:
the terminal starts - because that is the (first) command
Try it with:

… but actually: I don’t know :man_shrugging:

Perfect! Thank you all!