I am actually only with Cinnamon because I really like how the key-shortcuts work for tiling and moving windows. It’s so easy and intuitive …
Press [WIndow-key] + user cursor keys to move up/down , left-right … and i.e. you move a window to the left half, you can put it in the top or bottom corner just with another cursor-up/-down keypress.
Any (easy) was to do that in xfce as well ?
It was** something like
Settings > Window Manager > Shortcuts
There you should be able to assign various ‘Tile …’ actions to keyboard shortcuts.
** Note this is based off of old XFCE, so the exact path/name might be a little different.
Yes, I looked into it a while ago, but as far as I remember found only 1-key-stroke command , not something what would allow me to
- [Window} + [right cursor] => move window to the right half
- [Window} + [down cursor] => make the half-window a 1/4-window and move to to the bottom-right
If what XFWM offers is not robust enough for you then you could change out the window manager.
Don’t think xfce can make quarter-windows. Halfwindows work good.
Damn, i have missed that somehow. It can actually do quarter-windows.
The default keyboard shortcuts for tiling are mapped to the keypad (with Num Lock turned off) and do not work on my 88-key keyboard
User can edit shortcuts in Window Manager (xfwm4-settings
) or Settings Editor (xfce4-settings-editor
) to use the arrow keys and Home, End, Page Up, Page Down
Custom shortcuts using the Super key do not work for me so I use the Alt key instead
$ xfconf-query --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts --list --verbose | grep tile | grep custom
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Down tile_up_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>End tile_down_left_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Home tile_up_left_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Left tile_left_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Page_Down tile_down_right_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Page_Up tile_up_right_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Right tile_right_key
/xfwm4/custom/<Alt>Up tile_down_key