Choosing desktop environment

Hello. I am interested in trying the lxde desktop because I have an older laptop that I have installed manjaro on, with xfce as the desktop environment, and I saw in my reading that lxde is lighter on resrouces that even xfce. I followed the instructions at

To install it, and created a new user account on my laptop. However, when I boot into that account, I still get the xfce environment. How do I change it to lxde? I was expecting some kind of window to pop up during login to choose the environment, but I can’t see anything like that.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

You need to select it from your Display Manager or “greeeter” (lightdm?).
Or if that is not possible … start it some other way.

What/where the option exactly is depends on your styling…





/semi-offtopic: Lxde is not THAT much lighter in comparison with xfce. If you really really want to save resources and have a usable system with let’s say 1GB of RAM or less, you have to ditch the desktop environment completely and use only a window manager. Like icewm or fluxbox.

Thanks for the reply. I played around with the configuration for lightdm, and finally got the greeter screen to show me different desktop environments. Thanks for the pointer.

Interesting recommendation. So I would install a window manager and delete the desktop environment altogether? Can I have two different accounts, one where I use a DE and another where I don’t?

Generally, yes, but you have to read a bit more, not to delete X server by accident and leave only the console.

Also, there are other distributions, already made with extreme lightness in mind. TinyCore, PuppyLinux, DamnSmallLinux. They are however limited in what they can do and the number on packages. I would advise playing in a virtual machine or live usb stick first.
A good compromise, that should not be too crippled, and is arch based, is

You see screenshots that it runs with 300mb ram.
I would start with that. It all depend how limited the hardware is and how much usability you want (because there is Alpine linux for example, and it is almost a bare kernel).

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