Changing the kernel

with the last issue of Manjaro KDE Plasma, the kernel turn under the version 6.12.4-1…
i would like run to this recommanded version 6.6.65-1…
Please, how to do ?

sudo mhwd-kernel -i linux66 rmc

Ohhh… yes ! sorry… but

what about the GUI “Manager of Parameters” where we should choose

  • install
  • remove
  • use
    whatever the kernel …
    thanks anyway.

How is it that you can open Manjaro Settings Manager to see which kernel is recommended but you can’t click on Install to install the one you want?

to Install 6.6 there is no problem in GUI.

But How to remove the used 6.12 and to launch 6.6 .65 ?

You reboot and select the new kernel in grub, then you can uninstall the other one.


Manjaro Kernels - GUI Tool - Manjaro Wiki

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OP doesn’t even understand the reason why they want to change the kernel. 6.12 is the latest LTS and will be supported for many years to come. The only reason they want to change is because 6.6 says “recommended” and 6.12 does not yet, probably due to an oversight of the mhwd team.

@philline00 FYI kernel version 6.12.x is LTS not sure why its not saying recommended but it should be. So its safe to stay with.

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